VIDEO 6: Formula To Unlimited Wealth

  1. ASHWANI S 10 years ago


    • Nancy W 10 years ago

      I would love to just stay up and listen to all the videos, but it is late and this is a good place to stop.
      Thank you

  2. Elenor T 10 years ago

    So interesting!!!

  3. Marilyn G 10 years ago

    Amazing, but makes sense. I remember the tuning fork experiment from elementary physics. We called it sympathetic vibration then.

  4. Margaret N 10 years ago

    When we listen to the bonus audios at the bottom of the part 2 page:

    Should we be wearing head phones?

    Should our eyes be open or closed?

    What do the bonus audios do exactly?

    • Puja Shah 10 years ago

      The bonus video at the bottom is q&a and for the audios those are the videos but in audio form and yes, for the holosync guided meditation you should wear headphones. You should hear instruction on if eyes are open or closed in the different video/audio files.

      • E P 9 years ago

        Can you please (please) clarify if and how we should use the bonus audio files as part of the Project Yourself meditation practice? What purpose does each audio file — namely the Binaural Beats and Om/Aum — serve? Many thanks in advance.

        • Amish Shah 9 years ago

          They are just in addition- but if you use the binaural beats one, please do use headphones!

  5. kori w 10 years ago

    Extremely insightful. I suppose alpha or theta binaural beats, while staring at the Sri Yantra and effecting the mantra can be used? Im starting right now.

  6. Julie G 10 years ago

    Hello dear Pujah and Amish!
    Thank you for this wonderful program! I have meditated for many years but this type of meditation is new to me. Is there something I’m doing wrong? I have been reciting the chant for 5 days while staring at the Sri Yantra. Today I even added the binaural beats, yet, I cannot see the white dot in the center form a triangle. It just stays the white dot. Does this mean I am simply uncreative, am I doing something incorrectly?
    Thank you for your time and guidance!-Julie

    • Puja Shah 10 years ago

      Julie, no you are not doing anything incorrectly, but just take it day by day. Every moment and day is different:)

      • Julie G 10 years ago

        Thank you Pujah! Sometimes, all we need is a little encouragement. Now that I know everything is OK I will keep going. On to Day 6! I love this program, I love its simplicity. It makes it easy to incorporate it into every day life.

  7. EDWARD M 9 years ago


  8. Rosemary J 9 years ago

    Hi Amish and Pujah. I thought I had a question but I do not think so anymore. I would like to tell you what has happened to me. I would like to get your feedback if at all possible. A few weeks ago I “ran into” this community. I already had a gold picture of the Sri Yantra from a visit to Amma, the hugging saint, about a decade ago. I could not figure out what this yantra was or what to do with it so I kept it close by. Something (I’m sure my spiritual guides) kept drawing me near this symbol. When I actually saw Amish explain what it was I just about fell out of my chair! I looked it up on the internet and went to a couple of new age stores close by and found either nothing or very little about it. How crazy is that if it is what it really is? The mystery and secrecy had me beyond intrigued. Before I could even afford the wealth program I made copies of the yantra and had them blown up and laminated. I gave them to my two sons ages 20 and 22. I started chanting 108 times the mantra described. Almost immediately, a female spirit visited me. I know this is getting kinda woo-woo here but please hear me out. This being visited me and asked me if I most desire money or relationships. I hemmed and hawed because I knew that money was what I thought I wanted most in the world. Times have been very difficult for me. I eventually chose relationships because I reasoned that my relationships can lead to great monetary wealth. Do you know that since that conversation with her that my relationships have qualitatively and quantitatively shifted drastically? Was this the goddess Lakshmi? Well since then I only purchased the wealth program just a short while ago and now I am pronouncing the mantra correctly 😉 and am open to a new season. My two sons have been going through a very traumatic journey for the last few years and I desperately want a new season for them. I am going on this path and I feel confident that things will shift even further. Please let me know what you think and have a blessed day and weekend.

    Love and Light,

  9. Mark C 9 years ago

    You are so right on Amish with such thinking that seems so out of the box in today’s world…but I have been saying the wealth version for some time maybe about 10 months plus and I was using the one—Om shreem kleem maha lakshmi yei namaha —spelling might be off some but I have said this for all that time or longer every morning in my car to work or where ever…..and maybe just maybe this with the symbol of the Shri Yanka again spelling—I do Qi Gong to that pointing it East every morning after getting my morning swim in before getting dressed for the day….building contractor and you live right in my area in SD… combining these two with a couple of new words should work even better….even though at the time I started I was not in such a great as position as I am today——and I have done “others” stuff and just did not make it happen or maybe a bump—but I have been with you for a long time and it finally dawned on me from this last Video that it JUST might be this that has made my life and others that I have touched so far better for and in this world…..and I have the same thoughts of that “stuff” coming into your life and you just don’t know why and then you have to “get” through it and become something better because of it—–and I Bless those times to make me better than I was yesterday——everyday is a GIFT—-open it wisely for there are those who did not get this day of which you have—-making it better each day…..GOD loves you so much he will never make another you!
    Let me know on this one Amish—-Namaste, Mark

  10. Michelle S 9 years ago

    Just eager to start x

  11. bente d 9 years ago

    Can I use a black and white photo of the Sri Yantra with the Mandala or only the color one

  12. Fletcher C 9 years ago

    This so new and interesting to me. I cant stop im ready. Thank you im learning so much.

  13. faye m 9 years ago

    it was all very interesting stuff. I am so very pleased to have signed up to your program. I am learning many things. thank you very much.

  14. Peter C 9 years ago

    I started this morning and did it just once and it went quicker than I thought it would. I think I will do 1 this week and gradually build up to 2x then 3x over 40-day perod. Slow and steady wins the race.

  15. Marisa R 9 years ago

    I clicked the link to download and save the two audios, but when I tried to play the first one, it stopped after 10 seconds! What should I do? Thanks!

  16. Elizabeth E 9 years ago

    Fascinating!!! I have a question. How do I keep track of saying the mantra 108 times?

  17. Eric B 9 years ago

    This was a very helpful video. Thanks Amish

  18. faye m 9 years ago

    Truly amazing ! very interesting. Thank you Amish.

  19. Marion v 9 years ago

    Hi team,

    So far so good: Fascinathing! Thank you!
    My question for now is that Video 6 Part 2: Formula To Unlimited Wealth, stops everytime on the same place and that is when Amish say the words: “Your body becams a energie magnet. Is this the end of the video or…?
    If not, then is it possible to sent me a new video 6 of part 2.?
    All the others worked fine.
    and I don’t have problems with my computer or internet… 😉
    I am waiting your for replay. Thanks in advance.

  20. Stephanie A 9 years ago

    Can you please tell me where I can find the S4 meditation that Amish refers in this video?
    Also, how can I join the Project Wealth Face Book group?
    Thank you.

  21. Ruby E 9 years ago

    Thank you for all your teachings. Helping us to rediscover our power & freedom as human beings. I am thoroughly enjoying this journey. It’s enlivening & inspirational! Peace & One Love!

  22. sam d 9 years ago

    thank you for your teaching , please tell me where I can get the symbol Sri Yantra
    thank you

  23. German B 9 years ago

    What are your thoughts on light and sound systems like the Proteus? They can be used to put yourself in an Alpha state. How can they be used with the prosperity formula?

    • Puja 9 years ago

      Doing other excersises for alpha state is a great idea even alongside the prosperity mantra practice. I would space them out in your day so you can reap benefits of both.

  24. Jill Z 8 years ago

    I’ve been doing some reading on symbols and I’m kind of freaking out here. I know Amish said this “could be used for bad” too…but the 4 T’s (Tau) around the symbol is the jewel of the 32 degree
    Maso ns. And of the Sri Yantra “occultists teach there is no other set of triangles which interlock to such integrational perfection.” and it is used in places like Soloman’s temple. Can Amish clarify or explain how meditating on this can be good when it is used so widely in occult practice?

    • Puja 8 years ago

      People have for sure used all sorts of symbols that are sacred and good in a bad way. Look at the swastika. In Sanskrit where it originated, it means “good fortune” or “well-being.” The motif (a hooked cross) appears to have first been used perhaps representing the movement of the sun through the sky. To this day it is a sacred symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Odinism. But then look what happened. The Nazi use of the swastika stems from the work of 19th Century German scholars translating old Indian texts, who noticed similarities between their own language and Sanskrit. They concluded that Indians and Germans must have had a shared ancestry and imagined a race of white god-like warriors they called Aryans.This idea was seized upon by anti-Semitic nationalist groups who appropriated the swastika as an Aryan symbol to boost a sense of ancient lineage for the Germanic people.The black straight-armed hakenkreuz (hooked cross) on the distinctive white circle and red background of the Nazi flag would become the most hated symbol of the 20th Century, inextricably linked to the atrocities committed under the Third Reich. So this is an example of how a pure symbol can be taken by groups and used as ‘bad.’

      • Edward C 8 years ago

        Well said, Lady Puja.
        I would add that we humans have the free will to use tools for positive or negative purposes. For example, fire can warm us, give us light, and cook our food. But, fire can also destroy homes and maim or kill people.
        Just as fire in not innately good or bad, neither are the symbols. It is what we decide to do with them and their power.


  25. Cheri B 8 years ago

    Question , do I do the Binaural beats per day as well as the Aum ?

    • Puja 8 years ago

      You can do both for sure, but if you cannot, then the aum is fine alone too.

  26. Rasmus M 8 years ago

    On Symbols and Sounds:
    * Everything we think of is a representation of something else
    * Everything we take in is a symbol
    * Cymatics – Sound patterns / Wave frequencies
    * Yantras represent energies

    Sri Yantra = Master Yantra
    * The Universe in one symbol
    * Alpha brain wave state
    * Create subconsciously

    * What we perceive is the world we live in
    * Combine eyes & ears = catapult effect
    * Sounds are vibrational
    * Energy qualities of elemental particles

    * Sounds in a certain sequence decodes the Universe in your favour
    * Systematic reference of sound – How the Universe was created
    * Stimulate the brain – endocrine system

    Yin – Dark, feminine, tiger
    Yang – White, masculine, dragon

  27. Babirye M 8 years ago

    I love and I appreciate your informative content.
    I feel so good to rediscover my intuitive way of being.
    Many blessings

  28. Elizabeth G 8 years ago

    Hi! I am very much enjoying your course, but unfortunately, when I download it, I get a “Sorry, no access due to privacy settings” This is sad, because I would like to practice in a place where I have no internet. Can you help me? Your meditations, Puja, worked fine when I downloaded them, just not the video lessons. Thanks very much.

    • Puja 8 years ago

      Elizabeth, can you download the course audios at the bottom?

  29. Cristina T 8 years ago

    Hi Amish and Puja!

    First I want to thank you for the amazing work you both are doing towards the transformation of global consciousness.

    I am all excited about this course. As others have shared, I am in a critical financial situation and have taken a leap of faith with this course. So far I am enjoying the contents and can’t wait to start the daily practice.
    This video however is not working for me. When I click on play is goes black and nothing happens. What should I do?

    Thanks! 🙂

    • Puja 8 years ago

      Did you refresh the browser or clear the cache? If so, then please contact support to walk you through technical problems. ( thanks for being here and taking a leap of faith with the power of this course!

  30. Karen W 8 years ago

    Thank you, I desperately need a change in my perception to become an energy magnet!!!

  31. David g 8 years ago

    Becoming an energy magnet is what its all about! Every step gets more exciting…

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