VIDEO 3: Definition of Wealth

  1. Ahmed K 10 years ago

    Good Definition of Wealth…
    Still challenge the video stops have to
    click play a number of times

    • Puja Shah 10 years ago

      Thanks Ahmed! Do refresh your browser if needed as well!

  2. Suzanne K 10 years ago

    Definitely want to learn how to get in line with the energy of wealth-money.

  3. Elenor T 10 years ago

    Thank you. I look forward to be with you!

  4. Marilyn G 10 years ago

    I’m stretching and expanding my perception of wealth as energy that attracts and is attracted to like energy. Attracting wealth as energy does seem to open more possibilities than attracting wealth as a particle. Just changing that perception seems to remove some conscious blocks.

  5. kori w 10 years ago

    I AM ready to align with the energy of unlimited wealth n possibilities!

  6. Caroline D 10 years ago

    Sounds, Vibrations, Yantras, I ´ve always been very interested in these subjects.
    Finally happy to find all the info gathered in one course:)

    • Puja Shah 10 years ago

      That’s how we felt! We are so glad you are here then 🙂

  7. Cheryl Q 10 years ago

    Pleasant day to you Amish , the introduction video played very well however the 2,3 just keep stopping and starting.
    How can I fix this.
    Infinite Love & Infinite Possibilities.

  8. Leonora A 10 years ago

    It is definitely time for me to get in line with the energies (wealth).

  9. Lois S 10 years ago

    I am having the same problems as Ahmad has with the video keeps cutting out.
    I can’t play it and it gets frustrating to sit here and try and listen to the video.

  10. Jayantibhai L 10 years ago

    Very much exited to align with universal energy with you people guidance.

  11. Rebecca D 10 years ago

    Hi Guys there is HD in the bottom lefthand corner of the video if you click on that it will take you off HD (High Definition) and should help with the cutting in and out

    • leonard m 9 years ago

      Thanks Rebecca, Im able to listen without disruptions after turning off HD.


  12. Vanessa K T 10 years ago

    awesome am still finding my way to get aligned

    • Puja Shah 10 years ago

      Perfect that you are here then:) Thank you!

  13. CARLOS S 10 years ago

    A minha língua é português, do Brasil e não entendo bem a língua inglesa. Adquiri o curso para tentar tirar tudo o que puder. Gostei muito do artigo em pdf, pois traduzi e pude compreender bem, o que foi muito útil.
    Vou tentar tirar o máximo proveito dos vídeos, mas sugiro que seja incorporada uma legenda, pois isso facilitaria muito o entendimento, o apredizado e o proveito.
    Um grande abraço a todos.

  14. Lesya C 10 years ago

    Brand new here.

    Seems pretty cool so far. Looking forward to getting these mantras and yantras and such into my cells!

    Hope to see some real changes.

    one love

  15. Lesya C 10 years ago

    I am interested in getting into action with those energies as well. I seem to always be hooked up doing what I don’t want to really be doing and then complaining about it. Finding time as well as a parent is challenging.

    • Puja Shah 10 years ago

      Lesya, I agree about being a parent! It is challenging, but really makes the bliss part of the journey even more amazing with so much capacity to love.

  16. EDWARD M 10 years ago

    You have a very good definition of wealth. looking forward to aligning myself more with this energy.

  17. Penny B 10 years ago

    I figured what to do with the stop/start video problem. Just start the video, and the first time it stops, just walk away for 10-15 minutes and then click on it to restart. It should run all the way through.

    • Puja Shah 9 years ago

      Thanks Penny, yes sometimes it needs a refresh and time to buffer.

  18. Jason J 9 years ago

    AUM Shanti,

    Awesome definition of Wealth! I connected your definition of Wealth and Energy to page 5. in the e-book, Sri Yantra Lakshmi Mantra Ritual that is included…WOW!!!!!

    Love and Prosperity Power,

    Jason (Khu)


  19. Timothy P 9 years ago

    DO you have any video of the 108 Mantra

  20. Mark C 9 years ago

    Well Amish we are all ready to get “aligned” for and in our lives!

  21. Vetora J 9 years ago

    I just bought this program and I am looking at the 3rd video. These videos are very short and they continue to stop at least 7-10 times. I have to stop and start the video. This is frustrating. I am ready to request my money back if there is no solution to this problem. What do I need to do to view and listen to this 5 minute video without it stopping at least 10 times? I may just stick to Dr. Loyd’s word

  22. Michelle S 9 years ago

    Thank you x

  23. Terry R 9 years ago

    A funny tid bit…I have a walking route in the backyard of a home where I do caregiving two days a week….it’s big back yard..I count my lap is 108 steps…..

  24. Justine C 9 years ago

    This sounds great! I’m very excited to continue, thank you 🙂

  25. Laxmi C 9 years ago

    Unable to watch the video , i request u to provide the content of video in pdf fomat or any written format pl.

  26. Kalyan D 9 years ago

    i am very new to the program. I have tried sound healing before watching Dr Bhaskar Pillai”s videos. They are great but somehow I could not connect consistently and gave up. Now the Shi Yantra gives me some glimmer of hope. I really hope this program gives me all I have desired and dreamed of . Wish everybody else in the program — success . Thank you.

  27. Jannette E 9 years ago

    Unable to watch this video, constantly breaking up or stopping. I have refreshed browser and restarted but not working.

    • Jannette E 9 years ago

      OK the suggestion to turn off the HD has helped, still stopping but able to get the gist. If all the videos do this I will have to find another path to wealth.

  28. david w 9 years ago

    im not here for money,,,, its the energy you speak of,, alignment you speak of.. frequency ,,vibration ect ect.. i thank you for sharing your kowledge.. namaste

  29. Monica A 9 years ago

    Before my current problems I was able to tap into the “subconscious” and create. But I haven’t been able to for a while. I already feel more peaceful after the first few videos and one Sri Yantra meditation. Thank you.

  30. KinGi 9 years ago

    Since I am 2 meters tall I have had to bend down allot, so changing my posture and the way I walk has helped tremendoously to get into the feeling of weath and

  31. Sherrill P 9 years ago

    Interesting concept to think of wealth/money as energy. I’ve heard that before but it did not really sink in until now.

  32. Rob Z 9 years ago

    Yo…people… with all the video probs you may be having…. 1st… Looks like videos are in HD.. meaning that they will be very large files…. depending on your download speed and your ISP servers will determine playback speed… 2nd… my advice is to start the video…see how the blue progress bar moves forward…. just pause the video for a second or two… and you will see a grey progress bar (underneath the blue one) which is what is loading the video… it seems the playback speed (the blue bar) is a lot faster than the video loading stream (grey bar)… SOLUTION… start the video… then pause it for a while and you will see the grey progress bar move substantially more forward than the blue bar… when you see a lot of the grey bar …awesome… press play and the blue bar shouldn’t catch up with the grey bar…. therefore no more video stoppages…. my advice to the owners of this site….. maybe put your videos up in a lower resolution like 480 or 720 and not like 1280 or more like HD format….. alternatively put 2 or 3 links of different video resolutions which people could then decide which is the best viewing resolution for them and therefore they should have uninterrupted video viewing…. hope that helps… Om Shreem Brzee Maha Lakshmi Yei Namaha to ya all… also try Ara Kara …it rearranges the atoms of your mind to replace the Old mind with the New Mind… also you may be asking what’s the “Brzee”… Dr Pillai has it on his yoiutube videos where he reckons that adding Brzee to the Shreem makes it more powerful, more vibrational… have a great day everyone!

  33. Rob Z 9 years ago

    Sorry just realised with my last post about the video… that Rebecca and Penny had the solutions already written….
    go weith what Rebecca said… just click on the HD button in the bottom right hand corner of the video (it is most probably on the 720 resolution) and click either the 360 or 270 and watch the grey bar stay ahead of the blue bar which should give you no interruptions… cheers

  34. Barbara B 9 years ago

    The people who have wealth that you describe, the actors, the entrepreneurs, the rich, they all have one thing in common, talent.

    • Puja 9 years ago

      Barbara, its about sparking that creative fire of passion and truth within each of us

  35. Rasmus M 8 years ago

    Stop seeking answers – The Universe delivers.

    Change frequency & inner vibration.

    Don’t just give away your life.

    Wealth – attracted energy.

    Lakshmi – Verdic Godess of Wealth.

    Representation of prosperity – How will you perceive it?

    Mind stretches the fabric of wealth & energy.

    More issues than money. Step kindly.

    Self-sustainable, an infinite without trying.

    Thank you!

  36. Chireya F 8 years ago

    Tesla died in poverty, as we was truly selfless and just wanted to help humanity. Edison was the one who owned the patents.

  37. Ulrike D 8 years ago

    I once had more money and a better job than I expected but no time for myself. Now I have more time but not enough money for what I want to do. But I have already become a happier person because of meditation. Now I am very curious to see what will happen once I get into the program.

  38. Robyn P 8 years ago

    Love this video on wealth. It is an energy…I like this idea. Once I heard you say that, Amish, I felt a shift and a change in the relationship I have with money. A different way of thinking. You see, I give my money away to people in need and I don’t have any to give. I do that to the point of not paying a bill, if someone needs it more. I have some money contracts to break and your program can show me the way.
    Thank you!

  39. Karen W 8 years ago

    I really need to learn how to have these energies work for me

  40. David g 8 years ago

    This is a very exciting journey! First I acquired the Sri Yantra pendant and that lead me to this…

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