VIDEO 2: Prosperity Mantra 108 times + Sri Yantra Guided Meditation

  1. Teresa D 10 years ago

    When doing this mantra (about 5-10 min. into it) I started feeling a heating up of my body. I can definitely feel that something powerful is going on. Also I noticed that after 5-6 min. or so I started yawning. Is that because I am not getting enough air in my body before every round of mantras or is it because the brain has to get used to doing this exercise and because of new neuro-pathways being connected?

    I Also noticed that the voice on the audio is saying Maha Laksmi Yei and not just Laksmi Yei as Amish and Dole mentioned! What does Maha mean and why is it added here? Just curious.

    • Puja Shah 10 years ago

      Wow Teresa, yes you are totally feeling that energy. The yawning may actually even be your body in a relaxed state from the meditation. The full mantra includes maha and it means ‘great’

    • Ali K 9 years ago

      “Maha” and Tamil India means “all mighty”

    • Andrew S 9 years ago

      When people do the Emotional Freedom Technique, yawning can be a big sign of energy shifting. So it could be a good sign of that!

  2. Cyndie M 10 years ago

    WOW !! Colors intensifying and almost shadowy two dots ,and feel sort of tingly all over! I still have to take a breath to extend the sounds along with Amish, but I feel like I’m getting this. The words play in my head throughout the day, like a song that gets stuck in there sometimes. My energy is already higher…. stayed ahead of schedule all day!

  3. Teresa D 10 years ago

    Hi Amish, I have another question for you. Do you know the effects of just listening to the words and looking continuosly at the Sri Yantra symbol just saying the words internally?

    I was also thinking about something else interesting: What if you could turn the symbol into a 3D symbol, you the 3D images you can buy in books and on cards that when you stare at them in the lazy way you described and kind of cross your eyes part of the image pops out towards you? Wouldn’t it be interesting to try and see the effects of that?
    I really hope you will reply to my comments and questions, also the one above.

    Thank you, 🙂

    • Puja Shah 10 years ago

      Teresa, what is funny that you wrote that is that he has a 3-D sri yantra, spherical, in our home and has talked to a company owner that has been trying to test and create that. 🙂

      • S K 9 years ago

        Ah! I saw a Sri yantra that had a rounded glass covering the inner circle, like a half-ball or hemisphere, which made the inner circle appear 3D and just had to have it. I love it. Speaks to me deeply every day!

    • David C 9 years ago

      Hi there,

      I too was wondering if you could get benefit from looking at the Sri Yantra symbol whilst listening to the mantra through headphones, eg. Whilst listening to the mantra from a YouTube link.

      I look forward to all comments and thoughts about this.

      All the best,


  4. Uriel D 10 years ago

    Hey Maybe you could use binarial beats with this video would be sweet! Just a thought I enjoy binarial beats for other phases of life even for sleep. cheers

    • Puja Shah 10 years ago

      Great suggestion and yes that would be awesome!

  5. Karen M 10 years ago

    Love the feelings of the vibration run from my head to toes

  6. Lisa H 10 years ago

    What are the words that are being chanted in this video? I may have missed it in another video. Thanks.

  7. Elenor T 10 years ago


  8. Erena L 10 years ago

    getting better every day.

  9. Marta J 10 years ago

    There is a problem with my suscription and Clara Gomez suscription. We both paid the package, and Clara does not have the information to login under her name. Please answer our e-mails. She is only able to login under my name.
    It is a crazy situation please explain and fix. Clara suscription was paid through paypal transaccion ID1L4037355E992252E. on June 6, 2015.
    Warm regards.

  10. audrey g 10 years ago

    I can feel the vibration move in my body & the color circle around the outside intensity change.

    • Puja Shah 10 years ago

      Yes, that is a profound effect and share 🙂

  11. Suzanne K 10 years ago

    I really felt the vibrations all through my body, even my teeth!! I feel so calm and fantastic at the same time. Thanks for teaching this technique, I have officially started my 40 days, again thank you. Suzanne

  12. kori w 10 years ago

    Hi. After you’ve connected the dots, do you continue to create the same thing in your visions for the remaining days to solidify it?

    • Puja Shah 10 years ago

      Yes definitely and allow for the visions to manifest the way they do as you meditate, they will naturally ‘solidify’

  13. kori w 10 years ago

    You’re so very helpful. Thank you.

  14. Morgine J 10 years ago

    This wonderful. Is there a download recording or must we sit by the computer when listening? I do not like to do that at all. Thank You.

    • Puja Shah 10 years ago

      Morgine, unfortunately it is all within the course so you cannot download, however if you have bluetooth speaker you can always sync your computer to that and listen somewhere else after pressing play?

    • Lorri D 9 years ago

      Actually there are extensions on google chrome that will allow you to download the meditation. I don’t always have good reception and this way that isn’t a worry.

  15. Marion N 10 years ago

    So, today is Day 0. All my preparations are in place for Day 1 tomorrow:

    1) I’ve asked my husband if it’s okay to get up at 4:30 am (I would say at an ungodly hour, but it seems it’s actually a particularly Godly one). That way I’ll be able to start before the sun rises at 4:55 am. At this time of year the it rises directly (bang-centre) through my living room window! (I’m naturally an early bird anyway, although I tend to wake up when dawn is already breaking and the birds are twittering away.)

    2) I’ve downloaded a click counter app for my smart phone, so that I can tap my way to 108. It’s not ideal, but I’m waiting for an internet order of a string of 108 prayer beads, so the app will have to do in the meantime.

    I really feel an air of anticipation like when I was a little kid and couldn’t wait for the day to start so I could experience new things. In fact, I’m so excited about moving into this next, habit-breaking phase of my life that when I got a rejection this morning for a piece of writing I’ve been working on (and off) for the past 4 years, I didn’t even bat an eyelid! I just thought, well okay, I’ll have to figure out what to do with it next, and penciled it into my calendar (or typed it into Wunderlist, to be precise).

    Today, I’m going to go about my normal business and integrate some meditation practice from PY, instead.

    • Puja Shah 10 years ago

      Love that you are going to integrate this into your normal! And great preps!

    • Veronique v 10 years ago

      Oh Marion the app is a great idea! Thanks for mentioning it here, downloading mine now. I left my mala in my student room and now I’m at my parent’s place for the holidays =( I was thinking about making one myself from watermelon seeds but the click app is a nice alternative too. Have been doing this for a couple of days now but counting on my fingers is less than ideal, lol. Good luck!

  16. Juvy S 10 years ago

    The way Dolan and Amish say “Yei”
    As in “Lakshmi Yei”. Is different. Dolan says it as “eye” and Amish pronouces it as “Yey”.

    Does that create a different effect. The way you pronounce some of the words?

    • Marion N 10 years ago

      Yep, I noticed that. The ones I listened to on YouTube did it the same way as Amish, so I’m sticking with that. (Not to say that the other way is wrong, I just thought I’d go with the majority on what I happened to come across.)

  17. Linda G 10 years ago

    Questions: I keep falling asleep and dosing off as I get deeper into this recorded meditation. What does that mean? My eyes just want to close as I keep chanting the mantra. Is this why you suggest we sit on something uncomfortable – to keep us awake? This mantra relaxes me very deeply to the point of sleep and/or that hypnogogic state where you are on the verge of sleep but not quite. If I chant it on my own, this does not happen. What would be the best practice in this situation?

    • Marion N 10 years ago

      Is it a good deep relaxation, or do you feel that you’re too dozy? In zen practice a monk comes around and whacks you on the back with a stick if it looks like you’re too sleepy. If it feels like you’re just nodding off, it might be better to do it on your own, since you mentioned it didn’t have that effect. Perhaps it just depends what you feel, intuitively, is the deepest spiritual experience? For me, there has to be a centred awareness and clarity of focus.

      I do it on my own anyway with a counter app, since Amish has longer mantras than feel natural to me. It takes me around 25 mins to do 108. Perhaps it’s the length of the recording that is also making you sleepy?

  18. Maria S 10 years ago

    While doing the mantra, is it crucial to say the six words in one breath? The way I hear it , Amish is doing it in one breath. I’m sure it will take some practice. I am able to do it (because I’m trying to take that deep breath) but not consistent.
    Also, there was a question from Teresa (see above) about the significance/effects of listening to he meditation versus chanting along. May we have your response on that?
    Thank you so much!

  19. Marion N 10 years ago

    Day 1 – I was so excited about watching the sun rise this morning that I forgot I’m in Wales and we don’t actually get to see that much of it. All I noticed between before and after sunrise was that the clouds had got a shade lighter.

    I really enjoyed the mantra though. I was surprised to find out I’d been at it for about 25 mins by the time I finished. It really didn’t seem that long. Looking forward to Day 2 tomorrow.

    • Puja Shah 10 years ago

      Doesn’t it go by so quickly? Amazing:)

  20. Marion N 10 years ago

    Day 2 – Fantastic sunrise this morning – still not able to see the sun, but the clouds were thinner and the sky was lit up in beautiful oranges and salmon pink.

  21. Marion N 10 years ago

    Day 3 – Back to clouds and various shades of grey. The good thing about the weather here is that the rising sun never seems the same, as it is highly unlikely to appear in a clear sky. One thing that the clouds have going for them is that there’s always a different play of light and colour in the sky.

    Meditation at dawn gives me a sense of befriending the sun. I feel as if we’re on a journey together throughout the daylight hours (even when I can’t really see it).

    Before I started this sunrise meditation, I’d lost a lot of faith. The sun’s giving it back to me, because I know that it’s going to show up every morning. That’s all the faith I need right now. (I had previously been thinking of getting a dog…)

  22. Marion N 10 years ago

    Day 4 – I got to see the sun today! It managed to poke out between the clouds.

    I’ve noticed that I’m still maintaining a sense of anticipation, so my energy is much more positive than usual. I also just found out that I’m coming into an unexpected sum of money in about a week’s time…

  23. Marion N 10 years ago

    Day 5 – Beautiful salmon pink clouds with sunrise this morning! I took a photo, but it seems we can’t attach anything here.

    I’ve realized that I started these mantras at a time of year in Wales where the sun rises at its earliest, i.e. 4:55am. Now it’s already moved onto 4:56am, and tomorrow, I should be able to sleep one minute longer! The latest one is in January at 8:18am.

  24. annette j 10 years ago

    Wow! I am feeling this.. it took my mind a moment to settle into concentrating on the Sri Yantra, it kept trying to find patterns and then I would drift off into moments in my life of different events. Each time I would start the breath and then the chant it seem to push away the unwanted thoughts and bring me back into the different colors and patterns as though I was starting new again. the symbols started to move after awhile, really amazing and I feel really good. I am facing my window now looking out into the lawn and the trees and grass seem to be so enhanced with the color green.. I plan on continuing..i feel so energized and just ready to I don’t know do something….

    • Marion N 10 years ago

      That’s great. I really feel a sense of anticipation, too – like when I was a kid.

  25. Marion N 10 years ago

    Day 6 – Today I found getting up at 4:30am the biggest struggle so far and the chanting also seemed to take longer. At any rate, I pushed through it. I’m glad the sun is going to be rising later and later from now on for quite a while.

    One thing I’ve noticed is that I get the feeling of abundance from the sun itself. I feel so thankful that it is rises the same for me as everyone else. It puts all the little pesky things that people say and do, including myself, into perspective. I get that sense of abundance without adding visualization to the feeling. In fact, I think I might stick with that feeling for now and allow myself to sink into the sound and symbol.

    • Puja Shah 10 years ago

      The sun’s energy is truly abundant, so beautiful.

  26. Martin B 10 years ago

    Did I miss something. Did Amish give the details on how to do the S4 meditation after your Mantra?

  27. Marion N 10 years ago

    I’m not sure about the 4 steps either. I got the feeling I’d missed something, too. I wonder whether the categorization into 4 steps was just part of the marketing, which didn’t quite get effectively translated into the programme itself. I don’t really mind, since I’m just sticking to the nuts and bolts of it for now, and then I’ll have a look at the additional things in the bonus section later.

    Day 7 – It was a struggle again today. I feel better now I realize I’ve stuck with it for a week. Some negative feelings that I still need to deal with have kept popping up during the past couple of days. I guess it’s a reminder that I keep having to work on forgiveness and compassion, but then that was never just going to be a click-your-fingers-and-it’s-gone kind of thing, anyway.

  28. Marion N 10 years ago

    I’m going to check back in when I reach some milestones – probably Day 20, 30, & 40. Or perhaps just Day 40.

    • Puja Shah 10 years ago

      Thank you Marion, looking forward to hearing them!

  29. annette j 10 years ago

    I seem to be a little more relaxed now considering that I have been doing it for several days. my mind seemed to wonder more but as I continued I felt this rising of energy in my upper body. At first it felt live a chill but then I realized that it was rising from my fingers through my arms on up to shoulders. It was a good feeling.

  30. Forrest S 10 years ago

    I am a little confused. Is the Prosperity Mantra the same as the 4-S meditation? The mantra is the only thing that is showing up for me, but Amish keeps talking about the 4-S. If this is different, where do I access this meditation? Thank you!

  31. Ruby C 10 years ago

    In one of the interviews with Dolan, I believe he indicated that the 108x’s ritual should take about 7 minutes so I’m confused about what is this 55 minute mantra? Thank you

    • Theresa K 9 years ago

      Did you ever receive a reply to this question, Ruby? I just purchased the program last week and have the same question!

  32. Joseph L 10 years ago

    Hello Amish – I have started a 40 day cycle of using the Wealth Mantra with the Sri Yantra, and am already starting to notice benefits. I had a question regarding precision in the number of times the mantra is recited. In the event that one were to lose count, to the extent that I’m not sure if I have completed exactly 108 recitations, is it better to do more than 108 to ensure that I’ve reached the magic number. Or put more simply, am I diluting the benefits of of the mantra if I wind up at 109 or 110 by accident? Thanks Amish.

    • Puja Shah 10 years ago

      108 is the ‘magic’ number and you wouldn’t be diluting the benefits if you did 109 by accident, however to keep track, use a 108 bead mala if you have one!

  33. Aysen G 10 years ago

    Hi there, should we actually say this loud, or just sing it inside. I prefer to say it inside as I feel like I am more focused?

    • Puja Shah 10 years ago

      Yes that is great, saying it internally. Try it both ways to see what resonates with you best:)

  34. Michael R 10 years ago

    How do you keep count and how do you remain focused on the Sri Yantra while counting the mantras?

    • Puja Shah 10 years ago

      Keep the sri yantra in focus and it will enter your mind’s eye as focus and use a 108 bead mala to help keep count is the best way.

      • Richard B 9 years ago

        I use the Sri Yantra to count.. Start with the center dot. Then each color out to red makes ten. Ten times then out to yellow the last time makes 108. Works Works great..

  35. Dean M 10 years ago

    after 20 minutes i can’t focus my eyes and everything is completely blurred. Anyone else had this?

    • Puja Shah 10 years ago

      Dean, allow the unfocus to occur and just keep concentrating on the meditation and your breath.

  36. Dean M 10 years ago

    I noticed when I lost focus (which stayed with me for ten minutes after finishing) my thoughts were of fear. Irrational fear to my me but very real fear to my body. I know from working with EFT that the eyes will protect you from fear by blurring what you see in the world so my initial reaction was, this is a form of resistance. Is it common to find examples of resistance occurring at the beginning?

    • Puja Shah 10 years ago

      For sure Dean. It’s when you are working through these fears, and is awesome that you are acknowledging them and being in tune with what is occurring for you as well.

  37. Stan T 10 years ago

    Like Linda G above, I kept dozing off. Since I haven’t yet received the beads I ordered, I thought I would go with the chant on Part 4 of the course. It’s much slower than I expected. I haven’t really got an hour every day to do this. What difference will there be if I do it quickly, as Amish seems to be suggesting in the video 4-1?

  38. Catherine F 10 years ago

    Is it possible to receive this as an mp3 that I can put on my ipod? My computer is not bringing this up where I can listen to it. I want to be able to do it correctly.Thank you, Catherine

    • Puja Shah 10 years ago

      Thanks Catherine, if you have safari on your ipod, you can play it from there?

  39. Catherine F 10 years ago

    Wow that was so incredible. I had to disconnect about halfway through for I was getting dizzy and could not keep my focus.. I am wondering if because I have double vision that is a problem for me looking at the symbol. I am going to try again this afternoon and see what happens again. Amish I would love to talk with you about my double vision and how to handle this. thank you, catherine

  40. W V 10 years ago

    When Doing The meditation With A Specific Goal, Is It Important To KeepThe Same Goal For The Full 40 Days, OR Can We Have A Different Goal With Each Meditation Session? Thank You.

  41. patrick m 10 years ago

    Doing the meditation I observed that the red border on the Yantra changed colors to a deep purple
    and the three center triangles stood up out of the symbol like I was looking into a portal. All most as
    if I could reach into it and bend reality . This is amazing meditation I will be doing this often.

  42. Geoff F 10 years ago


  43. Sharm P 10 years ago

    It’s my 5th day of doing my Mantra. Very Powerful experience this am. Just cried and cried. Felt a powerful cleansing and releasing. Also did your AUM meditation after Amish. The reverberation was powerful felt it in every cell of my body. Personally i’m starting at Ground 0 with my Prosperity.Literally. I’m super excited to see what I create. Thank you for your beautiful soul and grounding direction. Pure Love and Golden Light. Sharm

  44. loirin l 10 years ago

    just did it for the first time for which my focus was just doing my best to keep count and i did, i feel like it’s opened my mind so i can’t wait to go full throttle everyday with it and just mark down my day in my journal so i can share my experience which i’m sure i’ll have many

  45. jamila b 10 years ago

    I started to do the Mantra and Yantra 3 days before I saw this video and i said mine a little faster ( have to get it in before the baby starts crying again). Should i do it this slow for results or can I continue to do it how I was, which took me about 5 minutes. Also does it help to play the mantras while I sleep?

    • Puja Shah 10 years ago

      Fast or slow, you want to do it with intention, so try not to rush through each word of the mantra:) You can definitely play them while you sleep as long as it is not distracting!

  46. Catherine F 10 years ago

    I have been doing the Mantra and Yantra for several weeks now. I am so excited for I am getting incredible guidance every day where what I thought i was going to be doing has changed. It is so perfect for what project I am working on now totally fits all my talents. Thank you so very much for this program.

    • Puja Shah 10 years ago

      And thank you for being here Catherine!

  47. Lisa-Marie S 10 years ago

    Today is my Day 1; I first listened to the Binaural beats meditation track. I found shortly into the track, I felt a hot sensation come over me. It actually made me nauseous… I was sitting by my air conditioner, so I turned it towards me so that made me feel better. What could be the reason for this?
    I then listened to the Sri Yantra meditation… WOW! This was an incredible experience!!! As I became more relaxed and fell into a deep meditative state, the colors and shapes started to jump out at me. As I thought upon my intention and gazed into the middle dot, the Sri Yantra seemed to mirror itself and I saw 2 dots with all the same symbols around it. What does this mean? I feel so energized now and look forward for what the day will bring. I can’t wait until tomorrow and so on!

    Many Blessings

  48. Marion N 10 years ago

    Well, I completed my first cycle of 40 days yesterday, and moved onto the next one today. I can’t say anything particularly dramatic has happened, but I’m generally feeling in a more positive frame of mind since I started with the early morning mantras. I have also had quite a few more intuitive dreams.

  49. loirin l 10 years ago

    i’m more than two weeks in and i noticed my confidence level has gone up and the air around me has changed in terms of the people. They’re the same but different in some way, can’t really put my finger on it. My degree to how i deal with them is a different. I’m transgender so a lot of how we perceive things and go about our day is much different than your average individual. I’m just grateful for this mantra, more-so than you know. I feel like it’s awakened me. And I’ve had subtle changes in my income as well. I work at a job where it’s important to get an incentive each week and i haven’t had any issues whereas before i would get pulled into Q&A for a failed call or something i was doing just wasn’t on par and that was always constant and now i pass all my calls. I watched as i ordered a pair of shoes on eBay, something just said go and order (i wanted these shoes bad) and i got them for $35 and free shipping and the next day i went to check for an arrival date and they went up to $49 with shipping of $10. In my mind, i was like wow but something even greater happened. I went to my pharmacy to get my Hormone medication which usually cost me between $45 to $67 a pop which is cheap considering i live in a big city and i would usually have to stand on this long line with others just to get in and out. I got to the pharmacy and there was no one and i got my medication and it was $12, I WAS FLOORED. The pharmacist looked at my like, this kid is really happy and i was.

  50. Winnie A 10 years ago

    Today is Day 3 and I did it twice today, in the morning and just before bed. Do I make today day because I did it twice or do I continue to Day 4 tomorrow ? Thanks for your response Amish.

    • Puja Shah 10 years ago

      You should still practice everyday!

      • Winnie A 10 years ago

        Thanks Puja. I guess my question was not clear. I was asking if I should begin all over again because I am now doing the meditation twice per day, as of day 3, instead of once. Anyway, I continued and now I just completed day 7. Thanks. Love Light and Laughter. I am growing and stretching with this course.

        • Puja Shah 10 years ago

          Oh Winnie, ok and yes it was fine do it twice per day! So glad you have completed day 7! With love and light as well, Puja

          • Winnie A 9 years ago

            It is a good thing that we do the meditation at least 108 times. I started out just going along with Amish and kept wondering how I always did the mantra more than 108 times. At first I thought that I had just lost count and just went along to the end. It was not until today when I decided to look for what I missed, I found out that it is 108 times + the Sri Yantra Guided meditation. WOW! At least I did more not less.

          • Puja Shah 9 years ago

            Wow Winnie, you were really into it:)

  51. Stephany Y 9 years ago

    This was the first day I was able to focus on and start the 40 day meditation. I feel the effects in my body and in the areas I need healing in my body: my fingers, knees, small intestine, and genitals. This is very powerful as I can feel where all my stress or fear is held. Is there a suggestion for a physical healing mantra specifically?

    I focused on the depth of Amish’s voice to guide me in finding a fluid breath to be able to say the mantra in one breath and that helped a great deal. Also I noticed the deeper I could start with my voice, the fuller my experience. Amish’s voice and presence was appreciated for this meditation. I could feel his stillness. Thank you Amish.

    I enjoyed seeing primarily 3 colors in an image when I closed my eyes – a warm golden circle set in a blue box which was then set in a white box. I am thinking of using those colors in something (smile).

    Now my focus is how to structure my life to do this everyday for 40 days. I am certain it can be done, today was the start.

  52. Carrol N 9 years ago

    Thanks Amish for sharing this wisdom with me and the rest of the world I started on 14th and couldnt keep account so the video of the SRI Yantra and the 108 mantra is purely amazing.
    I can feel my lower chakra clearing.
    As well calmness in my mind.


  53. Winnie A 9 years ago

    I have just completed day 28. I am happy for this journey. It is a good thing that I printed copies of the Sri Yantra and devised a counting system because I have no beads. Disruption in Internet service does not get me off track. I expect only good things on this journey. I am grateful for all those who paved the way and those who are on the journey with me and to Amish and Puja for creating this space for us to grow and expand. Love Light and Laughter.

    • Puja Shah 9 years ago

      Sending much love and light Winnie!

      • Winnie A 9 years ago

        Thank you Puja. I just completed day 32. Just to be able to deal with life’s challenges with grace and ease is a blessing. I give thanks.

        • Puja Shah 9 years ago

          Much light and love to you on your path.

          • Winnie A 9 years ago

            Thank you Puja. This is day 40 for me. Wow!!! Time flies. I am joyfully expectant. I am happy with myself for sticking to the exercise. I am happy I took on the challenge. Some days, the balancing act was taxing, but I grew and stretched during the process. I am planning to do another 40 days.

          • Puja Shah 9 years ago

            Happy for you too:)

  54. Lorri D 9 years ago

    Actually there are extensions on google chrome that will allow you to download the meditation. I don’t always have good reception and this way that isn’t a worry.

  55. Penny B 9 years ago

    In the earliest lesson, you said “yei” was to be pronounced as “aye”. However, in this mantra you are definitely saying “maha ladshmi yei”. Is this a bit of artistic license because “yei” rolls off the tongue more easily than “aye”? To carry the sound of “aye” over several beats would definitely be more difficult (a bit like singing in French. I’m simply curious.

  56. William M 9 years ago

    While doing the mantra for wealth I saw a vision, in the vision there were many bright colors; also a head with an open mouth blowing out gold coins and paper money toward me. Doing this time there was so much power going out of the top of my head I felt as if I was floating.

  57. usha p 9 years ago

    Thank you Pula and Amish. Very beautiful Mantra with symbol. Very powerful. Today was my first official day. After the mantra closed my eyes and could see the yantra with a beautiful golden face of goddess Lalita Tripura sunderi. Medtation guided by Pujaji is very effective too. Thanks once again.

  58. vickie c 9 years ago

    I could not find the drop down project your self button, to print out the yantra? Arent you supposed to have the yantra along with the mantra to medidate for the wealth?

  59. Fatima H 9 years ago

    How long before sunrise should the prosperity mantra ritual be done ?

  60. Vladimir D 9 years ago

    While doing this mantra I could hear binaural sounds in my head… And I have just finished day 3… I can’t imagine what will happen on day 40 🙂

  61. Kathleen E 9 years ago

    This may sound like a silly question but how do you keep track to know that you have done the mantras 108 times.
    It seems like keeping track would keep you more concerned about how many times.

    • Amish Shah 9 years ago

      You can use a mala bead necklace of 108 beads!

  62. Dinara C 9 years ago

    I’m noticing a lot of things about myself that are improving: I’m less worried about things that would worry me constantly in the past before I started this ritual, I’m feeling more assertive, no fear, this morning I woke up and noticed that my breath is more fresh than before (sorry I had to put it out here!), which is very impressive, I noticed I don’t binge on things as I used to, I feel more calm, confident, getting more ideas and energy to do things and projects that I was postponing before. Overall, I’m grateful for this meditation! Thank you Amish and Pula!!!

  63. Cody B 9 years ago

    As I did this meditation and mantra chanting only on this very first time I could feel pops and clicks inside of my brain on the right side as my brain restructured. I used to experience this a lot before from my own healing work and experiences but for it to happen these days is pretty rare. To be honest I was not all that surprised that this started happening after everything I learned about it from you. It just makes sense that this would happen. This is definitely powerful. This program was introduced into my life from perfect synchronicity. Thank you very much for helping people in the world. People like you make the world a better place.

  64. Mikeila B 9 years ago

    I can’t believe I paid $50 bucks for this! There are mantra videos all over youtube for free, including this exact mantra. Already asked for my refund.

    • David A 9 years ago

      You do know that the $50 is not for the mantra, but for the knowledge behind this, also in youtube I never found out anything about the Sri Yantra and this exact chant?
      You wouldn’t know exactly how to use it by only watching youtube!

  65. David A 9 years ago

    Hey! I have been a member since a few days, I feel so good every time I do this meditation. I basically, use a youtube video for the mantra itself as a guy sings it for 10-12 mins because this video is nearly 1 hour long so that is quite a long time. I feel like a numb feeling but its really good, one question do I visualise while doing this? as I find it quite hard to chant, focus on the Sri Yantra and visualise at the same time?

  66. Theresa K 9 years ago

    I commented on a previous page that it would be great to have an MP3 of the mantra and then found this page and the video, so thank you! I agree with the person above that it would be nice to have a downloadable version but going to see if my dinosaur of a kindle fire will play this video – it’s touch and go with videos on the K-fire sometimes! A downloadable MP3 to put on the iPod would be wonderful!

  67. Amanda T 9 years ago

    It’s day 1 for me. I enjoyed speaking the mantra and could feel the vibration. The triangles in the Sri yantra seemed to move. However, the greatest side effect of this video was that it helped my 10 month old baby fall asleep! I did it with him in my lap and before I knew it he was asleep. Amazing! I expect great things from this practice, but in my eyes, I’ve already gotten my money’s worth! This will be our new nap time ritual 🙂

  68. Kathleen B 9 years ago

    Enjoyed the Prosperity Mantra 108 times, but how do I access the Sri Yantra Guided Meditation? Thanks.

  69. John M 9 years ago

    I just finished day 86 of the Prosperity mantra for me, using the Sri Yantra as a focal point. I need to comment on the timeframe of the guided meditation that Amish leads us thru. First of all, we all live in a fast paced world (it’s the quickening ), in fact the world is turning on it’s access 1/4 of a second faster then it was 100 years ago. There are days that I cannot devote to working with Amish for 55 minutes, so on those days I go at my own pace and can do the mantras in 10-12 minutes and then I go on about my business, however, the days that I can spend an hour with Amish it is truly amazing. Last week I had an experience that I want to share with you all. It happened twice, on different days so I don’t find it sporadic, I believe it was a direct result of the work I am doing here. I was out and about, running errands in town , just doing some mundane chores. What happened next has never happened to me in my life. (this happened after doing the mantras with Amish) I was walking thru a market and suddenly I felt my Spirit/Soul REMOVE ITSELF FROM MY BODY. It wasn’t a near death experience or anything to that effect, but I felt like I was walking next to myself! I have been looking for answers to my questions and I really believe that the Universe and the work I’m doing here, in conjunction, put me in a situation where I can/could see the things I see or witness from just a slightly different angle. It was unbelievable. The experience lasted maybe 3-5 seconds, and it wasn’t frightening. Quite the contrary, it was very soothing , comforting, to walk next to the person I Trust, Love , cherish and depend upon. This same thing happened the next day, after doing the mantras in harmony with Amish.
    I only hope you all can find that same avenue of trusting yourself, believing in what your Mind is telling your Heart and responding to what your Heart is giving your Soul.

  70. Fletcher C 9 years ago

    This was day 1 for me. OMG what a euphoric feeling I was sweating and tingling and cold all at the same time. I have never felt anyhting like it in my life. The triangles moved became larger and smaller, pulsating, at one point I couldn’t see them at all everything was fuzzy. I tried my best not to refocus my eyes. I have committed to 3 times daily.

  71. Barbara H 9 years ago

    How do you know when you finish the 108 times to the mantra. I was listening and watched the Sri Lankra and thought the chanting would just stop on the video. You can get very in tune with this and notice going into this deeper and you stay with it. Did this for a while and found myself getting more into the sound and vibration of he words. I also noticed the Sri Lantra changing shapes. It reminded me of a Kaleidoscope in a unique way.

  72. Peter M 9 years ago

    Unless I am mistaken, Dolan pronounces yei differently. I got the idea it is pronounced to sound like ‘eye’.
    Will it make a difference if I get this wrong?
    What is the correct pronunciation?

  73. Romeo E 9 years ago

    My first two session, I felt sleepy which I can’t hold it til I got short nap, and I noticed I was energize after a nap. What does it mean sir ?

  74. thatcrazy t 9 years ago

    I pronounce it “yei” not “eye” sounding. Everyone has their own way to do it, you custom make it to your comfort, it can grow from there. The intention/energy behind it is what counts. I want to thank Puja Shah for her presence in this forum, answering everyone’s questions.

  75. Kathleen R 9 years ago

    I am finding this a very positive experience and just began with the 40 day practice yesterday.

    On this webpage:
    the pdf is not downloading properly. I attempted downloading/reloading page several times only to have the cover load, the other 3 pages are blank.

  76. ben b. w 9 years ago

    you true in to the light being we all our thank you for the key

  77. Anna S 9 years ago

    Hi, I have a question: I have been doing the sri yantra meditation for almost 40days now and am wondering: once I finish can I just come back to it lets say 3 – 4 times a week or whenever I start it again has to go for 40 days again? Thank you Puja

  78. Louise-Maëna P 9 years ago

    Hi, Thank you very much for you to bring us this knowledge. I have been went through the videos within a few days, and become so energized and happy, joy was filling up my life…I have been able to recognize what was bringing me down and stucked.

    I continu to chant the mantra and listen at Amish chanting the mantra when I go to bed, i wake up with a clear mind and energized !

    I bought a mala and I can’t tell you the joy I felt inside when I touch the good one for me…since then I always get my mala with me, this mala is like my best friend.

    Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

  79. maxine H 9 years ago

    Thank you. I feel deep resonance and gratitude for this mantra and daily ritual. Combined with yoga, Qi gong and great food my life is magical. Thank you Amish, thank you Pedram for introducing us.

  80. Cecilia J 9 years ago

    I would like to know if I can use this recording for the meditation. Does it actually have the exact 108 times ? It seems it has many more!

    • Cynthia K 9 years ago

      The 108 repetitions end at 33 min 10 sec into the recording.

      • Cynthia K 9 years ago

        I discovered this while using a mala with 108 beads and as I finished the last bead looked at the time on the recording track.

      • Ruby E 9 years ago

        Thank you for sharing p, that’s a great help! Namaste 🙂

    • Amish Shah 9 years ago

      Yes it is 108 until 33 minutes.

  81. Nick B 9 years ago

    Hey guys, I have a very specific question. I was wondering if we have to actually say the mantra out loud in order to get the full benefits of the practice or if we can simply listen and look at the yantra at the same time.

    I am in a quiet environment but still want to be able to do this meditation practice, is that possible?

    I know the sounds and vibrations coming from our own mouths is very important for this exercise but I just wanted to know if listening to a guided meditation like this and just meditating on the words, while looking at the yantra, would do us good as well.

    • Amish Shah 9 years ago

      You can say it out loud or say it internally, but saying the actual words is quite powerful. Try both and see which resonates with you.

  82. Mary S 9 years ago

    Hi every one, day one for me and did the mantra yantra (guided version) WOW the changing colours and different shapes were fantastic. Then I found the shapes drawing me deep into the centre of the yantra my vision at different times was blurred and clear.
    Then I saw a smiling tiger come running at me like a long lost friend!!!! At one time as an adult and another as a kitten.
    lol mary

    • Cynthia K 9 years ago

      I also saw the tiger at the center. And sometimes it was a clown in that same spot. Shapes kept changing, certain ones at times almost popping out from the Sri Yantra like 3D. Colors also change, especially around the outside rim of the circle. The rim is normally white and then the little space between that and the first petal is the reddish/brown of the background–but when I do the mantra that little area seems to turn to a deep blue.

  83. Everlyn M 9 years ago

    Day 1. And oh my goodness, the discipline I had to apply! Glad I went through the whole thing and finished. Where Mary saw a tiger, I saw a lion. Let’s see how this goes but very excited at the prospects.

  84. Peter F 9 years ago

    I have a couple questions I hope someone can answer:
    1) I sometimes go on “auto pilot” while chanting along with the guided meditation and I forget or can’t tell if I just chanted the mantra or just heard the voice (in the guided meditation), so to compensate I often chant a few more than the 108, usually 3 or 4 more for good measure. Is this ok to do? Is the 108 kind of an “at least 108” recommendation or is going over 108 going to mess up the process?
    2) In the guided mediation I can tell he does the entire chant (1 round of it) in one breath. I am often congested, so I can’t breath through my nose like I can tell he is. Is the process just as effective if you can’t do the entire chant in one breath?

    …any suggestions/help would be appreciated

    • Amish Shah 9 years ago

      Peter, please do what is comfortable so if you are congested, please take another breath if you need, it is fine. Also use a mala bead of 108 beads to be sure you are going through the cycle of the sacred 108. Thanks for being here!

  85. Hector U 9 years ago

    Today I have completed my continuous 38th/108 with Amish guided meditation. Day by day I found that the intensity of each of the colours of Yantra seems to increase; but what is more extraordinary they keep to me as pure as the first day; they do not mix; the central point keeps also pure as the first day . The radiation of the whole seems to me difficult to explain. Should I expect something more extraordinary in my last two days?

    • Amish Shah 9 years ago

      Hector, each day is different so I am not sure what you will see in your last 2 days, but once 40 “ends” it does not mean you cannot or should not do it again. You have increased your clarity and opened up here so as you found the intensity to increase in these 40 days, it will unfold even more in the next:)

  86. Peter F 9 years ago

    Thank you Amish…just curious why is the guided meditation more than 108 times? I’ve been following the guided meditation assuming the 55 minutes was the entire 108 process. As I asked before is the sacred 108 kind of like a minimum requirement to get the most out of this? Is doing the mantra over 108 just as effective or is it suggested to do it 216 if you do more than 108 (108 x 2 = 216)?

    • Amish Shah 9 years ago

      Peter, 108 is how much you should do it! Thanks!

      • Jill Z 8 years ago

        Amish, I think the question is more about why the guided meditation is way more than 108 times? Once I got my mala I didn’t take it to the end to count, but you hit 108 about a half hour into the 55 minute video…

  87. Trish D 9 years ago

    Please clarify the direction to face. My understanding is that the Yantra faces East, therefore I face West. Is that correct? Thanks! This is wonderful, thank you so much for what your are doing!

  88. Peter F 9 years ago

    I ask about the importance of doing this exactly 108 times because this is day 11 for me & I have still yet to do it exactly 108 times. I try counting with a rosary but due to the trance like state I get into, I always inevitably am off by 2 or 3; either falling short of 33:10 (the time it takes to do the full 108 chants in the guided meditation) or going just over.

  89. Michelle S 9 years ago

    The video is not working today

    • Amish Shah 9 years ago

      Try refreshing the browser and logging in and out.

  90. Marion v 9 years ago

    Is it so that I have to think just one thing, such as health or can I focus on more thing, also more persons, at the same time? Thanks in advance!

  91. Lea S 9 years ago

    wow, what a mantra, I just did the full mantra. I passe some strong emotional states so to speak, expansions and contractions, though moments.
    its also beautiful to feel my voice resonating also when I close my eyes somtimes. Is it important to speak out an intention first?
    also I’ve noticed that I’m doing it much faster without your video. thank you for putting it on! I like it.

  92. David S 9 years ago

    Is it important to actually chant this mantra rather than just saying the words?

    Is it important to use the same tones and tune as demonstrated in the above video or can I use my own tune?

    • Amish Shah 9 years ago

      Yes the chanting should come naturally as you say it over and over again.

  93. David A 9 years ago

    I feel the powerful effect of the video with the mantra, while gazing at the mantra. However, it says guided meditation. I believe you called it the “S4” meditation. Did I miss something, or am I misunderstanding something?

  94. Andrea S 9 years ago

    Forgive me if this has been covered already, but I am wondering…Amish is chanting on an A. I’ve always heard chanting done in the lowest range of the voice (more vibration for the vocal chords), however I can’t reach the lower octave A and the octave above is in the middle of my range. When chanting alone, should I chant on an A or should I chant on the pitch that is lowest on my own range, or does it matter? I know that different pitches are associated with the different chakras and I think that A is associated with the 3rd chakras? Thanks!

  95. Ruby E 9 years ago

    Namaste! Yes My Way. It’s been a fine journey, guided by Spirit & Love
    I am now present again. I love where I am.
    I read and listened to the whole program last night.
    I listened to the song to get familiar with the words & the pronunciation.
    I meditated. I feel like me again.
    I am open. With one search I found what I was looking for. Reality exists in the I. Thank you to the pair of you Amish, for sharing your wisdom with us. Namaste !

  96. sam d 9 years ago

    can I have the mantra in audio ?

  97. Sylvester T 9 years ago

    Ok hehe this is too freekin funny. This morning I asked the universe to deliver me some clients for my particular services, minutes after I bought this program.. This was at work, so i was quitely watching the videos and getting into the vibe. Im at home now for 30min and i put on this video stared at the Yantra and a text comes in and I’m thinking this is a new client.. I look and it is a new client?!
    Speachless 🙂 I feel bliss and kinda stupid at the same time for not having more faith before. ANyone else feel that way?

    • Puja 9 years ago

      Wow thank you for this share and how amazing about your client!

  98. Anna Z 9 years ago

    Do you have to be seated in any particular position while doing your mantra?
    Also , is 108 times minimum or you can do more and has to be done at one time or trough the day ?
    I did some mantra for evil eye and luck in the past and it worked . Even I don’t think I was counting but I kept repeating it in my mind forever.
    I stopped and bed luck came back…..darn

  99. RRN 9 years ago

    could you kindly do a downloadable version of this in mp3 format for being on the go as well please?
    it’d be fun to add to a playlist while I exercise. thank you.

    • Puja 9 years ago

      Thanks for this, you can try to right click and download.

  100. Pedro Gregorio L 9 years ago

    Dear Puja Shah,
    I watched to the videos from part1 to part4 and I am preparing myself to begin the 40 days practice that you recommended.
    Therefore I have 3 questions I must be saw clarified:
    1- Siting posicion with spine straight, and mine is not due a scoliosys. May I sit as confortable as possible for me?
    2- To sing the mantra may I use mY own natural notes? ( I am a bad singer!) ? It makes any difference?

    3- Following the mantra´s rhythm included in the program will I have fulfilled such 108 times in 33 minutes? As I have downcounter I can program it for such period.

    Thank you for your prompt response.
    By the way, appologies for my English as I am a Portuguese speaker.

    • Puja 9 years ago

      Hi here are answers:

      1- Siting posicion with spine straight, and mine is not due a scoliosys. May I sit as confortable as possible for me?

      Yes of course! Please be comfortable.

      2- To sing the mantra may I use mY own natural notes? ( I am a bad singer!) ? It makes any difference?

      You can use your own notes and just be sure to say each word.

      3- Following the mantra´s rhythm included in the program will I have fulfilled such 108 times in 33 minutes? As I have downcounter I can program it for such period.

      Yes you should but please note it can vary from each person!

  101. Nancy A 9 years ago

    The mantra was wonderful. I felt like my brain was tingling or vibrating. Then I began to feel it all over. I have felt something similar when doing the Om Namah Shivaya mantra.

    • Puja 9 years ago

      Nancy yes that is also a super powerful mantra!

  102. joan m 9 years ago

    There are much more repetitions in this video not just 108 and I want to ask if it is ok just to listen 108 times with is almoust 40 minutes?

  103. Patsy H 9 years ago

    I have been getting super tired doing the mantra and just now my voice started to vibrate for about 2 minutes. It was odd to start with as I tried clearing my throat but it didn’t clear. So I just went with it and now it is back to normal! 🙂

  104. Rick M 9 years ago

    Hello Puja & Amish,

    I’ve been diligently doing the mantra (while have my gaze fixed at the Sri Yantra) each morning at around 5am for going on 20 days now. I tend to yawn alot and oft wrestle with my eyelids to stay open because they want to close and go deeper in the mediation, I suppose, but as I’m intent on staring at the Sri Yantra, I keep on with the chanting.

    Should I be noticing a hint of something developing, or not, by now? I haven’t noticed anything yet.



    • Puja 8 years ago

      Steve, what is your question? Or are you specifically asking Rick M.?

      • Steve H 8 years ago

        I wanted to get a open reply to Rick M question

    • Puja 8 years ago

      Hi Rick,
      I believe this was answered in support but another member has asked we publicly share the response here to help and here it is:
      First it is awesome how diligent you have been with the practice. Second, you can definitely go deeper into meditation and close your eyes (as long as you are not falling asleep). You can close and allow the visual of the sri yantra to remain in your thought or mind's eye. Allow your internal focus to be this image and continue chanting. This can turn your experience inwards and for many people, allow for a deeper clarity. Best: Puja

  105. paul c 8 years ago

    Hello – I was curious when making an intention of what you want to manifest should you focus on just 1 thing per day or does it make more sense to put attention on multiple things you want to manifest right before the meditation?

    • Puja 8 years ago

      I would say 1 thing is quite powerful since multiple things could create noise and scatter when dividing attention and focus that way!

  106. Ger B 8 years ago

    Some people mentioned that the mantra can be downloaded from Google Chrome,
    Can you give instructions.

    • Puja 8 years ago

      Do you mean the actual mantra? As for the audios, you can right click each one after playing and download.

  107. Roger G 8 years ago

    What happens if you miss a day? Do you do it twice the next day?

    • Puja 8 years ago

      It’s best not to miss but just carry on to the next day and no you do not have to do it twice. If you miss more than once, I would start over.

  108. Mari C 8 years ago

    I’m having trouble following this for the full 108…it’s exhausting! Is there any benefit if I only do half or is it worthless if I don’t get to 108?

    • Guillermo D 8 years ago

      Commit yourself.

      If you can’t even make this happen, how possible would it be to commit yourself in a money making venture.

    • Puja 8 years ago

      The full 108 times is best:)

  109. Lindsay M 8 years ago

    Thought I was leaving a message- learning about this site-
    For over 30 years I have had my husbands late grandmothers sandalwood amala beads-
    First run just happened! I love it!
    I am excited!

  110. Lindsay M 8 years ago

    Oops again- rudraksh Mala 😉

  111. Steve H 8 years ago

    Thank you @Pujah Shah…..

  112. Elizabeth G 8 years ago

    Day 1 for me. I didn’t know it needed to be done before sunrise. Tomorrow I’ll do it right when I wake.

    • Puja 8 years ago

      No worries, it is best at that time but please do what you can.

  113. Ellen S 8 years ago

    Hello!!! This was my first day doing the Mantra/Yantra.
    I found the three dots from time to time during the mantra and staring at the Sri Yantra. I also found the edges illuminating bright white and coming towards me, which was very comforting. The symbols within the Sri Yantra expanded and contracted. At times the colors in the Sri Yantra became brilliant. Oftentimes there were two and three of the Sri Yantra in my visionary plane, and I found that at one time it separated into two separate Sri Yantra’s with one brilliant gold semi-sphere in the center.

    The other day I did just the OM sound to the single OM meditation. My dog freaked out…she was all over me and very rattled!! I had to laugh during the OM, which was not what I intended but it was just so funny to see this dog going crazy!!!
    Also, I went out for dinner that night, and the wait staff could not stop attending to me…like I was royalty. They wanted everything to be “just right” as one said…the one man actually escorted us to a table and told me he found the best one in the house just for me. I was so grateful for such care shown to us and actually quite surprised, given the fact that the restaurant was jammed and extremely busy!!


    • Puja 8 years ago

      Wow, you must be radiating from the power and how funny about your dog who can feel your vibration!

  114. Ellen S 8 years ago

    I did the Mantra with Amish through the 108 beads. Very Powerful. Saw colors gleaming and changing. I especially see blue light around the circle, and the triangles began to illuminate around the edges today. I see two dots, sometimes three but mostly two in the middle. I will do the Mantra with the 108 beads with Amish every day. Took 32 minutes. I love doing this in the morning….most days it is before sunup. When I am done, I feel the gratitude flowing through me like warm waves of love and I feel safe and secure inside…no matter what the outsides of my life might be saying or looking like. There is a KNOWING inside me that I am creating something amazing and it will come forth in the right time in the right way, with harm to none. I am grateful. Blessings…Namaste

  115. Mannish G 8 years ago

    Hey Amish/Puja.

    Sorry for getting in late here; in fact I should have posted on Day 8 itself when I got a miraculous call from my brother-in-law (he is a real estate developer & builder) saying that he wanted to gift me a 2000 sq.feet plot of land on which I could custom develop my dream house; if you go by today’s real estate prices in India, only the plot could cost somewhere between 50-60 lakhs INR(US$90,000).

    When I asked him why, he said that I had always been with him in his joy and sorrows and so this gesture; I do chant the mantra daily with the yantra in front of me at least 3-4 times daily and this was truly magnificent.

    Great science and thanks for sharing this with the world!!



    • Puja 8 years ago

      Mannish, this is wonderful, we love hearing the stories of power this science holds.

  116. benedicto a 8 years ago

    When I did the sri mantra yesterday morning, I was out of breath. I did it again 33 minutes ago and discovered I was no longer ‘out of breath’. If this is cosmic fun, thank you very much, Amish.

  117. khaled a 8 years ago

    Puja, so we are saying the mantra 108 times once a day at one sitting?

  118. Luiza F 8 years ago

    This is my first time, and i felt I belong to it.. like home. The more deep i was going, more i want it. Sometimes a had very clear image, very very personal..

  119. Doris M 8 years ago

    Hi Amish & Puja,
    I have been practicing this mantra for a couple of weeks now,
    when I am at work I feel an overwhelming of joy when doing my assignments!
    More energy! This is truly amazing!

  120. Benita B 8 years ago

    Hi Amish and Puja,
    I am on my day 17th. Sorry for waiting this long to write you guys.
    Doing this Mantra everyday,is wonderfully powerful It has brightened my path
    towards the direction where i wanted in my career.
    Thanks for sharing us this amazing Mantra.

    More power to you,

    • Puja 8 years ago

      Benita, thank you for being here!

    • Fuller C 8 years ago

      I’m on my 20th day and I feel like I’m moving away from meditation. At first It seemed like the Sri Yantra image was waving around like it was blowing in the wind and it felt like the 108th mantra came quick. It seems now I’m having trouble staying away from thought, and that it takes forever to complete 108 mantras. I feel like I’ve passed my 108th stopping bead and I’ll break the whole ceremony looking down to see. I want to continue till I’ve completed the 40 days. I just feel like I’m missing something.

      • Puja 8 years ago

        Try focusing on the mantra as breath. Breath in and out and say the mantra each time, allowing the breath to be your anchor. The mantra will begin to become effortless and you won’t “worry” or think about the stop bead, about what you are missing or how long it has been. Also, close your eyes. You can look at the Sri Yantra, keep it in your mind’s eye and try it with the eyes closed and see if that helps you for an internal shift.

    • Puja 8 years ago

      Benita how awesome to hear. thank you!!!

  121. Elaine S 8 years ago

    Just so grateful for this. Thank you.

  122. A.H. 8 years ago

    Hi Amish and Puja, do we need to do both the S4 and the mantra during the first 40-day cycle itself?

  123. A.H. 8 years ago

    because if so, I’m a bit confused as this video seems to contain only the mantra being chanted.

  124. Mannish G 8 years ago

    Hi Pooja.

    This is a divine mantra and it will bring us prosperity and abundance; I understand that. But what about the placement of planets(gud or bad) in your natal chart? If one’s time is going negative in his or her natal chart, then will this mantra be able to neutralise the bad effects of the negative planets in one’s horoscope?

    Please advise.


    • Puja 8 years ago

      This depends on your sign and yes planetary placement etc. Since astrology too has an elaborate system of judging whether a particular Mantra will be suitable for a person or if they will negate or neutralize anything, we are more specifically referring to the mantra’s power for overall abundance.

      • Mannish G 8 years ago

        Hi Puja.

        Thanks and another great news to share with you.

        I just got a new job offer which is a 35% jump from my current compensation !!

        So elated!!

        Thank you!! to you and Amish!!

        I feel now I am getting into the groove of a true PROJECTOR!! A REAL-ITY HACKER!!



  125. Karen W 8 years ago

    Freakin amazing!!!….not only did the shapes change but colors were flashing too!…..& my whole body feels like i’m buzzing

  126. Alejandro D 8 years ago

    Hi Amish and Puja,
    today I´m on my second day of the Prosperity Formula 40 days practice and whilst doing the practice, I´ve had a spark in my mind, a sudden thought and understanding that appreciation and gratitude for everything we already have is true abundance. Now I´ve always heard about this but today has been different, it has a feeling to it, is a realization, I could actually feel it in my body.
    So, it feels that from that space of gratitude is from where we can create abundance, as oppose to chasing after whatever from a place of lack, where no matter what you achieve is not appreciate it. It´s a totally different state. This is only the beginning, I need to dive deep into this, but it feels amazing.
    Thank you so much.

  127. Violet M 8 years ago

    I started this meditation on Feb 25th and have noticed a new awareness rising inside, my money situation has not changed 🙁 and I am still frustrated with a few large aspects of my life..but I feel with continued practice that is bound to shift?
    Thank you so so much!!

    • Puja 8 years ago

      Violet, releasing attachment to the specific outcome but still being able to visualize your desire is the key here. Yes I would continue to practice from an open receptive place! Pay attention to anything that is draining you and does not serve you on this path, allowing yourself to operate from the abundance of your intuition.

  128. Neil P 8 years ago

    I have done my 40 days and on the 40th day which was a day after my birthday, i lost my contract of 250k. that was yesterday, Don’t know what to say. i do not intent to sound Negative but this is the truth, could have been coincidence Maybe for bigger and better things in future.

    • Puja 8 years ago

      So sorry to about your loss Neil, we do hope for full alignment for as you said, bigger and better. Keep your intention alive…

  129. manjusha j 8 years ago

    I am a bit confused. one chants the mantra using the 108 bead mala and then does the 20 min meditation gazing at the sri yantra on on’e own silently or with amish ‘s voice or does one chant the mantra and gaze at the sri yantra..?
    also is it absolutely necessary to do this at sunrise or before or can one do it later in the day if sunrise is not possible.
    can you please help and clarify as i plan to start the process.

    • Puja 8 years ago

      Yes you gaze and do it on your own, meaning chant on your own. Sunrise is best but later in the morning is fine if not possible!

  130. David g 8 years ago

    The journey continues. Thank you Amish and Puja for your guidance! I am excited about the process and the potential.

  131. Bruno M 8 years ago

    Hi Amish and Puja,

    I’am a bit confused with the meditation. I mean am I suppose to focus ont he Sri yantra and repeat the mantra and it’s done. Or I am suppose to practice the mantra, then be grateful then project the vision of what I want.

    Thanks for your reply.

    • Puja 8 years ago

      Hi Bruno- you focus visually on the Sri Yantra and repeat the mantra. You can keep your intention in your mind as you do this or simply think of it then start. Gratitude is a feeling that will come as you fill yourself with this energy as well 🙂

  132. Janna B 8 years ago

    I started my 40-day Sri Yantra meditation on July 7. My massage therapy clientele is starting to increase, and my reputation is building in a good way. I am not able to do this as a morning meditation because I’m simply not wired to be functional in the morning lol. I do several different prosperity meditations throughout the day, though. I’m doing everything that I can to have the highest vibration possible. The funny thing is that when I’ve been meditating and looking at the yantra for a while from the center dot, the image always comes together looking like a wildcat face! Very cool!

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