Project:Yourself Level 7 Cleanse

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Welcome to Level 7 of Project:Yourself, Cleanse! Now that you’ve gained the protections you needed to continue on your journey of creating what you want, it’s time to remove all the negativity and blocks that stand in your way. It’s in this level that projecting begins!

VIDEO 1: Welcome to Level 7 & Project:Forward

This guided meditation will start you off on your journey through Level 7:Cleanse. Here, you will become aware of the practices, tools and powers you can avail yourself of to project yourself with the greatest potential.

VIDEO 2: Start Projecting

Here you will literally jump start the actual projection process by tapping into the power of the color Indigo and putting the projecting power of the third eye to work!

VIDEO 3: The Power of Level 7: Remover of All Diseases

This video will have you focusing on the 7th level of the Sri Yantra. Focusing on this level will give you the power to remove all negativity and “dis-ease” between you and all that you desire.

VIDEO 4: The Sixth Chakra

Get ready to open yourself up to the positive benefits of the 6th Chakra. Here you will experience a deep sense of awareness, intuition and positivity—not to mention VERY powerful projection powers!

VIDEO 5: In Real Life

In this video, you will get to the root of the blocks and negativity that need to be removed before you can proceed on your path to creating your new reality. It’s here that you will be fine-tuning your vision and using the powers of this level to re-focus on the positivity and “ease” you need to achieve what you want.

VIDEO 6: Influencing Your Subconscious Mind

Learn how you can draw on the learnings, element infusions, exercises meditations, and powers of the Sri Yantra to influence and control your subconscious mind. Here you will identify and begin to draw on everything you need to create your new reality!

VIDEO 7: Program Your Very Cells

Here you will master the art of food programming and learn to feed your subconscious mind with the positive thoughts and intentions it needs to not only create what you want, but also boost your overall health and wellness.

VIDEO 8: Sacred Geometry

In this video you will be tapping into the immense powers of sacred geometry to balance your energy fields and help your mind access the complex information it needs to successfully reinvent your reality.

VIDEO 9: To Sleep, Perchance to Dream…

Here you will learn just how simple harnessing the powers of your dreams can be! And how you can use dreams as a continuation of your life, where you create what you want by controlling your subconscious dreams.

VIDEO 10: Project:Work – Becoming A Human Satellite Dish

Get ready to convert yourself into a virtual human satellite dish. It’s here that you will be activating the 6th chakra and the pineal gland to boost your projection powers and bring what you want to you faster.

PDF. Level 7 Project:Book


AUDIO: Download and listen to these exclusive audio versions of the Level 7 exercises and meditations any time you want to re-visit, re-anchor, or re-work on the fly!

To download the audio, right click on the audio's link and choose "save link as..."  Make sure the save location is to the desktop and click save.




BONUS VIDEO 7: Project: Q&A Session Level 7

Parts of video may show black screen due to webcam not recording.






  1. Michelle G 10 years ago

    in the Q&A: Ahmish says “Women can’t just shave their head”. Really now?
    Also, nobody asked if you shaved your head and why, So why are you talking about your hair for 4 minutes?

  2. A.H. 10 years ago

    Hi, In Video 6, which Vairagya exercise are you referring to? The one in this level or the one from level 2?

    • Jana S 9 years ago

      Hello, good.question I am also looking for this.varagya exercise..where is it?

    • Jana S 9 years ago

      Hey i found it, ist is the exercise from Level 2. If u watch the Bonus session of Level 6 on about min 30 u find a tuned Version of it.
      bye jana

  3. S K 9 years ago

    Per video 7 at 3:30 minutes, I did not receive a sri yantra plate. When I emailed, I was told they were only for sale and there was no gift. Could you please clarify? Via private email is fine. Thank you.

  4. Angelina A 9 years ago

    Wow, this that been one of my favorite levels.
    I love the indigo color or blue and have a lot of clothes, things, table cloths in that color. My aura has a lot of indigo and I work a lot with the subconscious, healing, dreams, etc.
    When you mentioned that too much of a good thing could be negative, it called my attention. I discovered that some of the things you mention I have them like being a workaholic, sometimes intolerant, I like to get qualifications, study. I am very happy because an award I received for the work I do on emotional health and healing. I love the perrywinkle blue and my bedroom is painted in
    that color so I will paint it in white and a green wall to remind me heal that and avoid buying any more indigo things. That was enlightening.

  5. sylvaine d 8 years ago

    I too was also told that the sri yantra plate was a gift and now you’re wanting more money from us…….

    • Puja 8 years ago

      Sylvaine sorry about this, that video has a notation now that we cannot offer that old promotion, and really it isn’t about wanting more money, the cost of it is quite high for us from the current source and we cannot offer it as a promotion as we did many years ago when it was different and we just launched. We do offer the high res printout that can be used for the course. We really do the best we can and hope you can reap the amazing benefits of this course we have put a lot of love into 🙂

  6. Juan L 8 years ago

    Hi Puja,

    I was gazing at the sri yantra and after a few minutes I was looking at two of them side by side and they looked 3 dimensional. The interesting thing about it is that I was able to look at both individually with both images remaining intact for as long as I chose to. Has anyone experienced this before?

    • Puja 8 years ago

      Juan, yes I have experienced something similiar about it looking 3-D. Your ability to concentrate at these ‘images’ is a true reflection. These patterns of sacred primordial shapes express the fundamental forces of nature so essentially you are seeing them side by side perhaps as the governing external world and internal world that governs you. Amazing!

  7. PHILIPPE B 8 years ago

    I have not received my sri yantra yet.
    Please tell me if you sent it already.
    Thank you

    • Puja 8 years ago

      If you purchased yours through our store, please contact for your delivery time. We no longer mail free sri yantras as that was an old promotion as noted in the course.

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