Project:Yourself Level 5 Implement

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Welcome to Level 5, Implement, of Project:Yourself. Get ready to become a virtual magnet for attracting everything to you that you need to create your new reality!

VIDEO 1: Welcome to Level 5 & Project:Forward

This guided meditation will start you off on your journey through Level 5:Implement. As you follow along, open your mind and energy to everything you are about to attract, learn and experience.

VIDEO 2: Element Infusion—Tapping Into the Sound of Creation

Listen and follow along with this guided meditation to tap into one of the most powerful forces in the Universe—the power of Om.

VIDEO 3: The Power of Level 5: Accomplisher of All Purposes

This level of Project:Yourself will have you focusing on the 5th level of the Sri Yantra and the outermost10 triangles. Get ready to access the energy coursing through your body and learn how to focus it on creating everything you desire.

VIDEO 4: The Fifth Chakra – Speak Your Truth

There’s no time like the present to start speaking your truth. Begin right now by watching this video and learning how you can tap into the fifth chakra and the root essence of communication.

VIDEO 5: In Real Life

Focusing back on the 10 triangles, learn how you can harness the power of your communication to achieve what you want.

VIDEO 6: Get Into “Action”

Learn how definite, organized planning and decisive action are the keys to making your new reality take shape.

VIDEO 7: Creating a Third Mind

Watch this video and learn how creating an effective Mastermind can yield very tangible economic AND superhuman results!

VIDEO 8: A World of Frequencies

Everything in this Universe is vibrational—even you! Watch this video and learn about the profound impact of sound and vibrations.

VIDEO 9: Project:Work – The Power of “I AM”

Learn how you can put the power of your voice to work for you in this life-changing Project:Work.

PDF. Level 5 Project:Book


AUDIO: Download and listen to these exclusive audio versions of the Level 5 exercises and meditations any time you want to re-visit, re-anchor, or re-work on the fly!

To download the audio, right click on the audio's link and choose "save link as..."  Make sure the save location is to the desktop and click save.




BONUS VIDEO 5: Project: Q&A Session Level 5

Parts of video may show black screen due to webcam not recording.






  1. Sandra K 10 years ago

    Video 5, Level 5.
    Dear Amishji,
    how YOU say
    and “decision”
    I can feel for a moment
    my heart´s division
    these words
    sound like scissors
    I am afraid to be hurt or to hurt
    Just stay with me and alert,
    You speak them from the heart,
    so with wise discernment
    I can now keep it apart:
    precise decisions
    really are the scissors
    to medically clean cut and clear
    everything keeping you
    from that which is already here
    – the forevermore true
    and same time you are setting free
    that which seemed tied to thee
    Is that how You do it, Amishji?

  2. Tonny S 10 years ago

    Hello Amish/Pujah,
    I must start by saying that you are wonderful both individually and as a couple. You are blessed. Again I have to congratulate you for launching this programme. Thanks a million.
    Now may I ask, what is the definitely right position to have our hands in meditation. Some say by our sides, others on the knees: some say in praying position others say with the two forefingers held together. What do you advise.
    Again please tell me what effects cigarrete smoking has on meditation. Does it retard our results. I ask this because I understand that until recently Amish was a fan. Thanks in advance for the answers.

    • Puja Shah 10 years ago

      Tonny, thanks so much for being here! For meditation, I think palms facing up at the knees or in the lap is best, but there are also mudras, hand gestures, that have value to them too such as dhyana mudraL I advise as you get used to meditation to do what feels most comfortable so that your mind is not thinking of that as you can experience stillness. As for smoking, Nicotine is an addictive drug along the dimension of “continues to use despite knowledge of adverse health consequences.” It is legal, cheap (at least in the short run), and works very quickly – within 8 to 10 seconds. By hijacking the brain’s reward system and seeming to master craving and difficult emotional and energetic states, nicotine is able to foster a powerful dependence which I think clouds ability to process decisions from our core. The good news is that like Amish, when time comes to stop, the healthy part has ascendancy.
      One very powerful way is through the development of mindfulness in meditation, so this program is already getting you there, and focuses on bringing a quality of kind attention to each moment of our lives and the value of body and mind. Hope this helps! Kindly, Puja

  3. leontina r 10 years ago

    Dear Amishji
    I enjoy the meditations tremendously.
    All my blessings

  4. SAMITA G 10 years ago

    thank you so much Amish and Puja…..loved level 5. Sending you my AUM.

  5. Sujata P 10 years ago

    Hi Amish and Puja,
    Thank you for this wonderful program. The link for the bonus Q&A of level 5 doesn’t seem to be working. Could you kindly advise.

  6. Kim C 10 years ago

    I could not access the question and answer session. The rest of level 5 was great. Very insightful.

  7. Jana S 10 years ago

    Hello good morning ,
    I have share my vivid dream with u from last night. In level 4 I asked how to overcome fear. I received the answer last night. In my dream I saw my fear as a burned evil person completely desparated and angry walking around and fighting. Although this image was very scary looking, well I surprised myself by the love I felt for this burned being. I just kept on acting in true deep love to him. I felt very strong acting in this love.
    Now awake (n) I understand that fear is just giving me a sign about what matters 😉

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