Project:Yourself Level 2 Fulfill

Welcome to the Project:Yourself tribe!...

Welcome to Level 2 of Project:Yourself and the continuation of your journey through a transformation of mind, body and spirit. Here, you'll be accessing a powerful technology to harness and direct the very essence of your life-force.

Get ready to experience and master the ability to channel all your energies toward what you desire most in life, like you've never experienced before!


VIDEO 1: Welcome to Level 2 & Project:Forward

This guided meditation will launch you into experiencing Level 2:Fulfill. Once again open your mind to all you are about to learn, embody and project.

VIDEO 2: Expand Your Creativity

Learn how to concoct an essential element-infusion to draw out the very essence of your creative energy. Go through the exercises within to virtually jump start your creativity!

VIDEO 3: Start Creating

Learn how to how you can connect to and use the 16 energies and powers of this level to better understand, interact with and explore the outside world.

VIDEO 4: Let’s Talk About Desire, Faith …and Sexual Transmutation

Discover how to obtain true abundance by harnessing the power of your Desire and Faith and transforming your energy through the process of Sexual Transmutation.

VIDEO 5: Mastering Your Desire & Sharing

Work through the specifics of the Desire exercise to get down to the very core of what you desire. Learn how taking that one step further, through sharing, will ultimately lead to your greatest fulfillment.

VIDEO 6: Mastering Sexual Transmutation

Learn how to harness your energy at its strongest source and channel it in a focused way to create all that you desire!

VIDEO 7: Project:Work-Establish Your Daily Practice

Work through the Project:Work for Level 2 to create a powerful daily practice to focus on and bring what you specifically desire to you.

PDF. Level 2 Project:Book


AUDIO: Download and listen to these exclusive audio versions of the Level 2 exercises and meditations any time you want to re-visit, re-anchor, or re-work on the fly!

To download the audio, right click on the audio's link and choose "save link as..."  Make sure the save location is to the desktop and click save.





BONUS VIDEO 2: Project: Q&A Session Level 2

Image of Sri Yantra mentioned in Q&A session is available here
Parts of video may show black screen due to webcam not recording.





  1. SAMITA G 10 years ago

    Hello! Thank you for the beginning guided meditation. Wish it was longer! I felt a bit rushed and did not quite complete the ten deep breaths in and out. I was one with a golden image when I heard the sound.

    • Puja Shah 10 years ago

      Hi Samita, so glad you liked and thank you for the feedback! Yes please feel free to take your time with the breath and let the words simply be in the background as you experience that golden image in the guided meditation.

  2. BINDU G 10 years ago

    Feeling beautiful, am getting back my faith…. hope it stays. Thank you.

  3. Maria S 10 years ago

    Just a quick comment about the music. It’s loud at the beginning and end of the videos, particularly the guided meditations. I have to adjust the volume. Hope your sound mixing engineer can fix that. Thanks!

    • Puja Shah 10 years ago

      Thanks for the feedback Maria, will try!

  4. Veronique v 10 years ago


    I would like to ask about the contracting of the pelvic muscles. I have trouble keeping them non-stop contracted throughout the meditation so what is the ideal? Is it ok to release and contract perpetually or are they supposed to be contracted all the time? Would love to get more clarity on this!
    Loving the program so much. Thank you <3


    • Puja Shah 10 years ago

      Veronique, yes you may release and re-contract if you need to. You will be able to hold it longer at each practice! So glad you love it!

  5. Ameya H 10 years ago

    Hi Amish and Puja, question about the Vairagya. Are you supposed to keep all your muscles contracted the entire time? Or if you cannot hold for that long, is it ok to release and re-contract them as needed?

    I’ve only done it once, but I already feel so powerful!

    • Puja Shah 10 years ago

      So glad you feel it already Ameya! Yes it is ok to release and re-contract. As you practice you will hold it longer and longer.

  6. Sheryl R 10 years ago

    Thank you so much for the program! It is truly transfomative. I would like to comment that I too have some difficulty with the introduction and exit music. It’s very loud and disrupts my peaceful state. It would also be helpful if the words in the meditation gave more time for the experience you are helping to create. It does seem a bit rushed. Love and Light

    • Puja Shah 10 years ago

      Thanks so much Sheryl, we will definitely take that into consideration. And love that you feeling transformation!

    • Andrea B 9 years ago

      That’s exactly what I feel – I am turning the signation music off and I can’t visualize pictures because of lack of time – normally I do not have any problems

  7. Barbara R 10 years ago

    I agree with Maria, the music is very jarring at the end of the meditations especially.

  8. Angelos K 10 years ago

    I Believe that my lower chacras are the weak ones. Is this sexual transmutation exercise still ok to do?

  9. Sonal T 10 years ago

    Namaste . will you be doing anything specific for the international yoga day 21 St June ? Cosmic light to u all

  10. Paula L 10 years ago

    I am now daily looking forward to my chakra meditation and the time spent on Project yourself. I personally like the beginning and ending music just maybe a little quieter. Thanks

  11. Marcia F 10 years ago

    Worked on Level 2 this week and I have already seen amazing evidence that it’s working. People I’ve wanted to connect with for business for over a year are suddenly responding to me; great ideas are popping into my head. It really took off after the meditation/transmutation exercise in Video 6. Many years ago I started following a path of “study” that was brought on by being introduced to the concept of collective consciousness – I read a lot – even some study of quantum physics, and it changed the way I looked at the world. Over the years, it became the foundation of how I connect with others and how I viewed our purpose in the universe. What this program has done for me so far has brought me back to those core beliefs, but it has reminded me to go back to a focus on a particular goal (or, more specifically, a set of goals) that I want to achieve, and the need to have a more disciplined, daily practice of visualizing and believing in those goals. I don’t feel like the exercises in this level were difficult at all, and yet I’ve seen more evidence this week of the amazing power of visualization and belief than I’ve seen in years. It’s truly been magical. Thank you!!!

  12. Jessie D 10 years ago

    I just did the Sexual Transmutation and omg. When the video was over (and it’s been about 5 minutes now), I started crying. That was the most powerful meditation I’ve ever done. All I can say is Wow. Also, since I started this, a lot of people have gotten back into contact with me, sometimes after years. I can feel the difference Project: Yourself is making in my life.

    • Puja Shah 10 years ago

      Wow Jessie, that gave me goosebumps. Thank you for being here and so glad you can feel the difference!

  13. Deanna C 10 years ago

    LOVING the program! Do you have any suggestions for me in how to bring about what it is I most desire? I can conjure up the emotions, the feeling, the excitement….but I can’t see what it looks like. In one word, the desired outcome is Empowerment. I just don’t know “how” that looks yet & my piece in it. While I have tools to use (doing Reiki or teaching classes), for whatever reason, my deepest desire feels more global than one on one. Do you feel this will evolve with the program… other words, is it OK to focus on the feeling & emotions of what it feels like to help spread empowerment, rather than how it has to look for now? Thank you for your insight!

    • Puja Shah 10 years ago

      Yes for sure Deanna, your true focus of Empowerment will lead you to know what you want to create and what that looks like:)

    • Tetyana R 9 years ago

      I have exactly same problem.

  14. mara b 10 years ago

    Amazing tools for growth and abundance on all levels. Meditation assisting me in creating my greater good. High frequency enhancement leading me into my life purpose of service to one. Thank you you are great!

  15. Catherine F 9 years ago

    I just watched the videos. Oh my that is the most powerful meditation. Thank you so much. i have tried so many different techniques for manifesting and this is the most powerful. I truly feel that my deepest dreams are now coming true.

  16. Ockert M 9 years ago

    Hi Puja, Ive worked through all 9 levels in a row, what an amazing experience, thank you Amish. The intention is now to work through the whole cycle again but this time spending ‘much’ more time on eack level. Thank you again, amazing work 🙂

  17. Ella C 9 years ago

    Thank you I’ve done meditation for years but video 6 is by far the most powerful along with visualizing. I’m excited about making 6 and 7 a daily practice all the way through the program. Thank’s to both of you, keep sharing the good work. Many blessings.

  18. 9 years ago

    Hi Amish and Puja:
    Thanks for the Meditation on Video 6. Understood about contracting and squeezing thighs and anus…ascending from one lower chakra to the next higher…Did miss something about the breath? Inhale at the lowest (red) chakra and exhale when you enter orange chakra…inhale again and move to the next. Kindly correct me if this my wrong understanding. Thanks

    • Puja 9 years ago

      You inhale and exhale at each movement upward via chakras yes but you would inhale and exhale fully then move up, inhale and exhale fully then up.

  19. odessa F 9 years ago

    Thank you for teaching me how to use these energies, I knew about these energies, but did not how to use them, Thank You.

  20. Salvatore M 9 years ago

    My dear fellow, surely you will never know, all difficulties, all problems, all misunderstandings I am having to translate the materials, that of whom I asked copies written in English, even before I joined this course, but you gave me no reply and you advised me to write me, but later on you and your staff you refused to provide me with was necessary for easy understanding, however I will continue to try. …

    • Puja 9 years ago

      I’m so sorry, we only have this in English as of now!

  21. usha p 8 years ago

    Thank you Amish & Puja for the meditation program. Love it. Just a reminder I have not yet received the Shri Yantra that was mentioned before.

    • Puja 8 years ago

      Thank you for being here! There is a downloadable sri yantra in the course.

  22. 8 years ago


  23. Maria M 8 years ago

    Hello is level 3 now available? what is the time between the levels being released?

    • Puja 8 years ago

      Yes it will be, they are released every week!

  24. Maria M 8 years ago

    When is level 3 available? how often are they released? Can they be self paced?

  25. Maria M 8 years ago


  26. valerie c 8 years ago

    Where do I find the downloadable Sri Yantra? When is Level 3 being released?

    • Puja 8 years ago

      Every week they get released! The download is in the workbook!

  27. PHILIPPE B 8 years ago

    I used the book of napoleon hill years ago; but I could not master the sexual energy transmutation perfectly. now is my best time to do so!
    Thank you

  28. Linda H 8 years ago

    Wow, i felt a tingling in my forehead when i tok the energy thru my body and all the way out of my head and out in to the universe, like someone was doing it to me….never have i felt anything like this…today i will be falling to sleep with a big smile on my face and i really hope this will happening again when i do the exercise again tomorrow 🙂

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