Hi, I am Vince and long before I got to 40 days the things that blocked me from living and being successful began to fall by the wayside. I bag of money did not fall from the sky but I could see new possible futures appear in front of me and I had suddenly the courage to feel worthy of the good outcomes I saw before me.
My earnings increased by more than 25K per year in weeks, wonderful people came into my life and opportunities to have a better quality of life were made available. Maybe its all coincidence but it took me 50 years to have these coincidences and none of them seemed possible until I began to meditate and use the mantra.
It’s not magic you should be looking for to come and help you but the a rewiring of your core being which opens the door to the courage to live from within all those wonderful things you always wanted to be, do and have. The only reason why I am not in a brand new car is because now that I can get one I don’t know which one I want.
Live your dreams.