1 – raise my vibration, learn to forgive and be happy
2 – have health and improve my scoliosis
3 – financial freedom to pay all my bills and still have
enough for me and family and to help those in need
4 – learn to play the mandolin well
5 – paint with own expression
6 – be in communion with the universe
I too have the same dream. I wish to open a retreat. It would have yoga, meditation workshops, organic gardening, Aquaponics, writing classes, art classes, dance classes. Reiki Healing, chi gong. The grounds would have labyrinth. It would be by a body of water, in a warmer climate. I beautiful welcoming place where people of all faiths could come and find peace.
My highest aspiration is to transcend all of the things that I had given up my power to, sabotaging myself from the life I should be living.
Redesign my thought processes and really create love, prosperity, peace and health I want to experience. Above all, empower my soul and grow my spiritual gifts.