Your highest aspiration with Project:Yourself?

This topic has 47 replies, 35 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Guillermina T.

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  • #7469
     Tetyana R

    I would love to thank everyone for time you took to share your stories here.
    I am in my late 20s. I accidently clicked one of the videos on YouTube that brought me here… I was looking for some new binuary beats I could use to help me free my mind from thought (and not fall asleep). I noticed that if I sit in a certain way and clear my mind and concentrate on my spine something grabs my scull and pulls it up just like my therapist does… or even better (sometimes I think I am imagining things but if I sit against a wall I can hear my head move up against the wall surface). I have been in pain for about 10 years now, it feels like I am stuck in a shell and can’t get out, and it literally disables me to do things, like take care of my infant or simply get up sometimes (there were times I needed a neddle of painkillers and one hour of time for the medicine to work before I could move) My dad told me once to stop seeing all the therapists and stop wasting time on stretches that obviously don’t help me,and find powers within me to cure myself. Then he told me that if I stand up and not move my arm muscles but think of my muscles move, my arm will lift up (do try this at home, even with one finger). Then he showed it to me and said that that freaks him out. Long story short – first thing I would be working on is getting a new spine and everything that goes with it. after few weeks of meditation I already feel taller and people comment that it looks like I lost weight (I know that I did not)
    I would like to have a total control over my body and mind. My postpartum almost pushed me off this planet, my first clostrophobicly horrifying diving experience showed me how much I have to work on. I do need more energy and resources for thousands of things I have on my list.. that I need to organise. So finding a life purpose would be equivalent to a superpower for me.
    And if I had super-human-out-of-this-galaxy powers I would have stopped the war in my home country this very moment! And the next day I would stop all other wars around the globe!

     John M

    My highest aspiration, of course, is to reach my highest aspiration. ( more on that later). I really want to bring to everyone’s attention, or anyone that is reading this post, my latest discovery of Project Wealth. I am at day 37 of my goal of doing the mantra for at least 40 days. I keep tabs on a note pad of exactly which day I have accomplished this deed. Yesterday I decided to multiply the number of days I have done by the number of mantras I recited that day. For example day one x 108, or day 15 x 108. I was joyfully surprised to learn that no matter what day multiplied by 108 equals 9. Ex: 1 x 108= 108, 1+0+8=9, 15 x 108=1620, 1+6+2+0=9, 30×108=3240, 3+2+4+0=9. By numerology standards every day times 108 equals 9. And we all know that there are 9 aspects to the Sri Yantra. What you all do not know is that the number 9 has been coming up in my life spontaneously for years. This is validation to me that I am on the correct path, and, also, that I’m really into mathematical formula and the connection it has to Spirit. (FYI, I was born the same day as Albert Einstein). Thank you for helping me find my way Amish/Pujah. Namaste

     Lesya C


    I”m Lesya Anna
    I just joined the community.
    My highest aspiration here is to co create my community of abundant change makers and to finally create blogs and video posts that I am not afraid to share, that I inspire others and help others more than I ever thought possible and that I know how and when and how to create the time in my life. To stop using excuses for being late or not doing a step in my dream. And I want to act in a feature movie as a lead some day soon. It’s been a dream to do this since I can remember. I want to do this. And yet I have not ever arranged to step into that direction,


    I am here to reconnect to the energy I once had. Though a series of not following my truth, bad choices which has lead to chronic physical pain. Something brought me to this community for healing and reconnecting with self on a deeper level. Within a week of the program I am feeling much better physically, mentally and spiritually. I hope to grow beyond the gifts that I once had to a more deeper with this calling I have. If this make sense.


    As a retired man over 75 my highest aspiration is to travel more and have the money
    to do so as I continue to enjoy life while helping others.

     Louise-Maëna P

    This project already brought me more mind clarity. Now, my goal is to maintain and progress in this mind clarity enough to help others I meet raise theirs instead of reduce myself to their suffers.

    This goal will permit me to go forward with my projects in the abundance of life !

    I thank life for Amish Wealth project had been brought on my path.

     Samantha S

    Hi everyone!
    My highest aspiration with Project:Yourself program would be discovering and giving myself the gift of universal consciousness and love. On a worldly level to accept prosperity and abundance to give myself and my family freedom from poverty both spiritual and monetary. I want to be able not to panic paycheck to paycheck but be able to support my family and give back , assisting single mothers like myself to higher levels of living and consciousness. I recently finished the first level of a new career in nursing (LPN) and currently studying for my RN and BSN. I want success in this career and education as it is amazingly rewarding. If you practice with consciousness and love you can heal on many levels. I would like to set up a scholarship fund for student nurses who are single parents to alleviate the cost of living so their time could be dedicated to studying and family.
    Thank you all, I look forward to getting to know each and everyone of you!

     John M

    Samantha S. : I wrote a poem for you and all the single parents in the world, man or woman….here it is:
    Into the Wind
    When I look into your eyes, deeply
    I sense a Spirit wanting to fly
    Suppressed by responsibility
    Controlled by fear, idled by time

    When I look into your eyes, deeply
    I see your Soul, naturally
    With that same desire to soar
    Warm and fuzzy, lying cautiously in its nest

    Hold my hand
    Crawl with me to the edge of your perch
    Inch your way out with me to the furthest branch

    Jump with me into the wind

    John Douglas Martin
    copyright 2007 by the International Library of Poetry as a compilation

     Samantha S

    I think I can honestly say as the self appointed spokesperson for single parents, thanks for the poem; Appreciation is always appreciated.

     Judan F

    Become a worthy alumni. I hope Deep Origins will exist for a long time as an online safe haven of growth and if it lives up to its name, to find our common origin or source.

    I hope to become the best ambassador as I CAN. Not saying it in a competitive context. I hope that everyone here lives every day up to be the best possible ambassador for Deep Origins as they can. Many movements die out, but a tribe that is dedicated to live up to THE TRUTH, something that is done by every civilisation across all time, cannot die out.

    Wishing that everyone comes closer to their Origin everyday and that this may act as the greatest source of happiness!

     Lea S

    I’m hear to learn, to practice and to develop my full potential.

     maxine H

    to be in every moment totally present…then the rest comes as im a part of everything that is, and radiating from that frquencey. Each breathe

     William L

    At – one – ment. To raise my spiritual frequency to unite with the One Thing. I have always been able to sense it, but have never been able to grasp it. I know it is a single vibration from which all experience arises. The Universe is one song composed of His perfect fluctuations resonating throughout and beyond the time – space continuum. Her melody is misleading because there is only a single note quivering in the abyss. Through Her vacillations She gives birth to light, love, joy, color, hot, cold, darkness, laughter, death, and resurrection.
    I aspire to One Thing.

     maxine H

    My highest aspiration is to ‘be’ connected with all that ‘is’ so `I can realise my potential and contribute to the collective mass. Change begins within and everything is connected 🙂
    I have joined The Resonance programme and a am delegate of Unified Physics and am meditating
    with Holosync for an hour every day. Thank you for your exploration, sharing and wisdom Amish, and Pooja


    to manifest a Global People Society that networks inter-disciplinarians, all-rounders, outlyers, wayseers, fringe dwellers, world bridgers, mediators, facilitators, coaches, teachers, polyglots, bards, actors, artists, musicians, dancers, jesters, jugglers, poets, performers, acrobats, artisans, contemporary prophets, priests, shamans, modern nomads, spiritual gypsies, edutainers, vendors,- reapers of the fruits of life, light and love. Living embodiments of abundance that cellibrate connectivity, vibrant health and wealth. Beings that in themselves aspire to radiate the bountiful frequencies of light&sounds of love in its multifarious shades, hues, tones and shapes.
    Creating a financially feasible way for this bioenergetic human resource to travel with sustainable ease between hubs, festivals, market places and communities throughout the world sharing of their labour of love, bartering an honorary exchange, inspiring communal co-operation, on site participation, giving whatever possible assistance to self mastery that may be perceived.

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