Tagged: create fear to love and courage
This topic has 47 replies, 35 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Guillermina T.
June 25, 2015 at 12:54 am #6696
Joe Fier
MemberEveryone has a personal reason for being here… and most of us also have a HIGHEST aspiration – a goal or a dream so lofty, we may hesitate to even tell our best friend about it!
But this is your tribe and your safe zone, so please inspire us by sharing:
What is your highest aspiration with Project:Yourself? What is the biggest positive change you’d like to create in yourself and the planet through this experience?
June 25, 2015 at 3:57 am #6698maree s
Participantto gain clarity peace of mind, balance is a bustling world and awakening the new sectors that are laying dormant, in my body plus share the knowledge with my fellow people as knowledge is meant to be shared not harboured, and this knowledge fornominal !!!! can wait to follow the journey as I am exstatic my mind chatter is slowing down. Thank you for ever gratefull 🙂
June 25, 2015 at 4:42 am #6700Deanna C
ParticipantWhile continuing to raise my own frequency, my intent is to empower others to raise theirs, and as a collective conscious, raise the vibration of our entire planet to a dimension of knowing, feeling & being pure Love. VERY grateful to share in this course!
June 25, 2015 at 4:48 am #6701Genesis D
ParticipantTo bring an end to Diabetes and self inflected illness.
June 25, 2015 at 6:26 am #6702Dawn M
ParticipantHi Joe
On a personal development level like many I want to raise my own frequency, to be a better version of myself, to be more connected with my higher self, connected with mother earth , tap into my power within and to support and encourage my children , my family and others to do so as well and to spread love , positivity and encouragement into the world and to contribute to making our world a better place .
This course has already instigated my self-development as I have just signed up for some further training courses and have also volunteered to provide my therapies to cancer patients ( hopefully I get accepted) and am now providing meditation to my children`s school as well as within my workplace. This course has made me realise I have to take the steps towards making the changes I want in my life and am excited at the opportunities that are now coming my way.
On a material level – the grand lofty dream- which I have only told my husband about , is to secure funding (or win) enough money to create and support a sustainable holistic therapy retreat (in the countryside near a river or natural water supply) , which would be self sufficient, where we grow our own food , harvest our own rainwater, have wind energy and sustainable source of power to be off the grid. There would be large veg garden and a contemplative garden surrounded by a tall grey stone wall. There would be acres of land around the property and a large wood nearby which would have a huge green canopy of trees and have a fabulous scent in the air.
I would want it to be a loving,caring, compassionate place for family,friends and strangers to retreat to from the hussle and bussle of city living and from the problems they may be experiencing . It would be a place to meditate, provide therapies, natural medicines, support, and a place to learn from each other and in return people just contribute to the centre/community not with money ,but with their help and assistance, whether it would be cooking,cleaning,gardening,weeding,providing therapies to others or just being a listening ear.
My husband says he would happily grow the food and tend to the gardens. My children would help as well as they now have their own wee vegetable patch in our garden that they tend to.That is my lofty dream and even if if I don`t achieve it all ,i.e the property, I am going to make sure I am in the best possible place to be able to achieve as much as I can . I will have my therapy centre but it would be scaled version . I will be more sustainable ( I will make adaptations to my home) and be less reliant on conventional energy .
We are now growing our own vegetables and I have turned vegan and am encouraging my children and family to do so as well, for the health benefits. I am actively trying to reuse rather than recycle. (early stages)
I am planning to reduce my hours at work imminently to dedicate more time to my therapies and to my young children.
I have a few more courses to undertake before I have all the resources I need to concentrate more on my therapy career .Once i save the money for these I will be in a position to follow my dreams.Overall I am opening up to opportunities and positivity and am grateful for the inspiration and confidence the course has given me and I am only at Level 2.
June 25, 2015 at 6:29 am #6703Donna I
ParticipantI am a 50 year old woman, married 29 years with two adult children 25/27. I am retired. I now have the freedom to do what I wish with my time. Yet I am blank. I hope to find where my journey begins.
June 25, 2015 at 3:22 pm #6705Lorraine S
ParticipantDonna I,
I hope you don’t mind my perspective on your comment “I am blank”.
Upon reading that I immediately thought of the potential of having the freedom to do whatever you want to grow into this new stage of your life! I read it as; a blank slate, a blank page… the imagination is limitless to what you can achieve.
Tap into what brings you joy and expand it!I am 50 as well. My daughter begins her second year of university in September. My husband still thinks of me as the stay at home wife although I’ve created my own holistic business practice. I am a reflexologist and Reiki Master/Teacher. I have a healing studio in my home and enjoy helping clients relax and rejuvenate. However I am feeling called to expand from just one on one or group classes to globally.
I have a passion for helping working (and at home) moms realize the importance of their own self-care and how to shift from being everyone’s provider to expanding into their own brilliance. We are always the last to receive self-nurturing and it is time to change that! By treating ourselves as just as important as the other family members we teach our children to do the same.
That, to me, is my biggest positive change. Here in western culture a “stay at home” mom is not as respected either socially or economically yet we have the most important job! Raising children who will some day take over running the governments, hospitals, factories, etc.
I enjoy inspiring others and helping them shift perspective. I would love to globalize this and also become financially independent because of it!
LorraineJune 25, 2015 at 6:11 pm #6706Apple
ParticipantHi Dawn iI like your energy already you are a bright and shining light are you on facebook I belong to a group there named Hay House World Summit 2014 there are so many like minded people in that group I love that you have a vision of a retreat center so many of us do I I am so looking forward to their manifestations and will love visiting them all I also am in my fifties I used to be an accountant for Citicorp with this so funny because I am studying medicine is it since the 80s sadly I was drunk during the 80s and 2000s and didn’t put it to much use. I have been sober for almost 5 years and since I joined that group last year my life has changed considerably we do a lot of tapping and law of attraction and long distance energy work and prayer my name is Apple Annie and if they ask you for the name of someone that’s in there ask for me
June 26, 2015 at 6:28 am #6707Angelos K
ParticipantI Want to reach my full potential and find a better place in the world. This includes helping others with my example (and more) to expend their awereness and understanding of the world.
June 26, 2015 at 7:08 am #6708Dawn M
ParticipantHi Apple Annie
Thank you for your kind words, I really appreciate them thanks and likewise to you, it sounds like you are making a huge difference as well and you are shining your light brightly 🙂
Thanks for connecting with me and inviting me to join your group.I would love to join.
I am excited to meet others with the same vision of a retreat centre and feel blessed at the opportunity to connect to them.
The thought of having a whole network of communities throughout countries and around the world is a fantastic one and one that i cant wait to see and be a part of as well and i cant wait to hear about everyone else`s ideas and visions.When I set up my retreat in Scotland you will be welcome with open arms.
Speak soon 🙂
June 26, 2015 at 7:42 am #6709Dawn M
ParticipantHi Lorraine
What you said to Donna was inspiring , you are right we have all been given a blank slate here to grow, expand and achieve what we believe in and what brings us joy.
It is a journey which we are starting together and one where we can support and encourage each other.
I am sure you will go all the way to achieve your dream as you have the passion, courage and resources within you to do it.All the best on your journey 🙂
June 26, 2015 at 11:51 am #6713Dawn M
ParticipantHi Apple Annie
Should have said earlier it sounds like you are on the right path and are doing amazing things . Onwards and upwards.
You’ve been through a lot in the past but its been part of your journey and those experiences have made you the unique , passionate and caring person you are today .Shine your light bright& spread your love and energy .June 26, 2015 at 5:00 pm #6720Apple
Participanthi Dawn thank you for your kind words you are an inspirer you too Lorraine I should have reread my earlier post because I have not been studying medicine I have been studying metaphysics send the ad I like to think of myself as pretty out there that’s why it was so funny being an accountant in the corporate world send me a friend request I would love to know about your astrology
June 26, 2015 at 7:51 pm #6721Srinivasa P
ParticipantThe course is interesting. It deals with all aspects – physical, mental and spiritual. I belong to a higher age group and have great objectives. I want to maximise my remaining years and demonstrate that mind is the main driver which sets us in life and anything is achievable. Still I have to select a particular path or tool to keep working at it.
June 29, 2015 at 4:25 am #6724Dawn M
ParticipantHi Apple Annie
Not sure how to send a friend request here.
If you know how to, send me one. Be good to connect
Signed up for another therapy training course. So excited. 🙂 -
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