Welcome to Project:Wealth!

This topic has 15 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 2 months ago by loraine d.

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  • #4787

    Leave a comment below and let the community know a little about yourself!

     Sophia R

    Hello, everyone! I am happy to be here with all of you on this journey. I am a Functional Nutritionist and I hope this journey will help to deeply connect with my purpose and my tribe to help as people live a life of health and wellness. Namaste!

     Ahmed K

    Ahmed Kaley
    Lives in Dubai-UAE
    Resigned Pharmacist
    Avatar Master
    D.O.B 1953
    Loves Networking and Travelling
    and Spiritualism

     Ahmed K

    I am from Kenya living in Dubai for over 28 years
    Resigned Pharmacist and an Avatar Master
    Student of all Religions and in the World of Spiritualism
    Loves Travelling and Connecting to People !!

    May You All Be Blessed and Prosper

     Ahmed K

    Ahmed Kaley a pharmacist after qualifying as an Avatar Master
    (http://www.avatarepc.com/)in 2011 in his vision to increase
    the amount of compassion and cooperation on the planet, took to
    Network Marketing to spread wealth as his contribution to the
    Plenatary Civilisation

    He endavours to help any wanting to make extra money or needs help getting
    out of debt to join his team.

    His Approach to Network is WHOLISTIC and Down to earth harnessing the Laws
    of Universe using simplistic methodolgy and minimal of Technology.

    Using his Experience of over 13 years in the Industry he continues
    Researching for the BEST in the Market and supporting every one to
    succeed. Hisw ork “New Pathway To Network Marketing” is due for
    Publication soon.

    For his present Venture go to :


    He can be contacted at
    Phone :97150-5843718
    Skype : servicetomany
    FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/akaley

     Suzanne K

    Hello. My name is Suzanne and I’m very excited about learning all I can with this program and Project:Yourself. This is my first day with wealth and 4th day with yourself. How do I download the Sri Yantra? I am a Pediatric RN and I’m sure all I learn with benefit my practice as well as everyday experiences.

     Jacinta B

    hello wonderful project community. My name is Jacinta I am blessed with 6 children 2 of whom I had at 49years old they are now 2yo. Their father has left us and undertaking and completing the 9 day meditation has set me on a positive course for our future . I hope to meet inspiring people and work towards a financially independent and spiritually fulfilling life.


    Hello All! And thank you for welcoming to this group.

     Chipo S

    Hello My name is Chipo from Ottawa and am very blessed to be here looking forward to remove prosperity blocks I feel I have within blocking me from abundant birthright. Invested in a lot other programs with non or very little results. I am feeling very positive about how this program will help me.
    I am ready to roll and prosper be filled spiritually. Thank you. PEACE.

     Janet G


    My name is Janet and i am honored to finally be among my tribe. I live in Irving Texas and i have been gently awakened energetically for the last couple of years in . The experience has intrigued me and i want to learn more, to move from an average life style to a fantastic life style, attracting wealth, abundance, happiness and be able to help as many people as possible during their journey, i believe in the art of giving back so it is our birth right to not only help ourselves but our fellow human being. I look forward to share in this community with love and gratitude.

     Peter G

    I’m Peter, I live in Scotland with my wife and 3 kids and originally from South Africa.
    I am on day 7 of the 40 day shri yantra + lakshmi mantra sadhana and already feeling positive changes 😀
    I looks forward to share experiences with you.
    Love Light and Laughter

     Jimi D

    Hey everyone,
    I’ve been doing the mantra w/ the Sri Yantra for ten days. Haven’t noticed any change. Is this typical?

     Jimi D

    So I’m at 49 days of doing the meditation without missing a day. I’ve gotten no results. Has anyone out there seen any results from this practice?

     Randi J

    Hi, I am a California artist looking forward to learning all that I can from this program. Can not wait to get started. Thank you.

     Vince P

    Hi, I am Vince and long before I got to 40 days the things that blocked me from living and being successful began to fall by the wayside. I bag of money did not fall from the sky but I could see new possible futures appear in front of me and I had suddenly the courage to feel worthy of the good outcomes I saw before me.

    My earnings increased by more than 25K per year in weeks, wonderful people came into my life and opportunities to have a better quality of life were made available. Maybe its all coincidence but it took me 50 years to have these coincidences and none of them seemed possible until I began to meditate and use the mantra.

    It’s not magic you should be looking for to come and help you but the a rewiring of your core being which opens the door to the courage to live from within all those wonderful things you always wanted to be, do and have. The only reason why I am not in a brand new car is because now that I can get one I don’t know which one I want.

    Live your dreams.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)

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