Your Project:Wealth Goals

This topic has 26 replies, 23 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 5 months ago by Vital F.

  • Author
  • #8163
     anchalee g

    Freedom to live the life I enjoy and love and to serve others.

     IRENE P

    For me I want for 2016 Abundance in all areas of my life:
    Health, Wealth, Business, Success, I want my financial freedom from the banks!

     Chipo S

    My goals are to be financial and debt free,
    prosper in all areas of my life
    especially have abundance in money wealth so that the non profit organization I have helping people in the villages I grew up is a success.
    Able to manifest what I need to support myself & my purpose.
    Be in a healthy,supportive, fun and sharing significant relationship.
    Have more sincere friends than acquaintances .
    Have healthy body, mind, soul and spirit following guidance from the creator.
    Doing what I love, be fulfilled, energized, & meaningful

     Janet G

    My goals are 1. To be financially free stop trading time for $$$
    2. My yearly income to become my monthly income.

     Peter G

    My goals are to
    1) build my part time business to full time income by helping others achieve their health and wealth goals
    2) build my health, strength and muscles
    3) achieve time freedom

     Chipo S

    All the best Peter I am with you

     Ernst A

    1.I want to love and being loved
    2.I want financial freedom for me and others including my family

     Ernst A

    1.Help eradicate poverty in my country and abroad .
    2.Uplift myself spiritually, so I can enjoy abundance of life.

     sam d

    to be healthy , and live a care free live have plenty time for spiritual development

     Jimi D

    I’d be happy w/ any positive result. I did the mantra/yantra for 50 days straight and experienced no change.

     Olghi S

    Absolute financial freedom, recurring passive income, then fulfill the purpose I was created for. I want to be truly loved.

     Vital F

    Wisdom, Health and Wealth. Money should work for me instead of me working for money.

Viewing 12 posts - 16 through 27 (of 27 total)

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