Interesting articles and resources

This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 5 months ago by Robin E.

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  • #6576
     Robin E

    I had to share this article that came across my Facebook timeline. It truly is mind blowing and supports the knowledge Amish is sharing. Definitely took me to a new level in my meditations:

     Tetyana R

    Good article

     Tetyana R

    Hard to wrap your head around it though.. i feel like the more I try to explain it to myself the more I confuse myself 🙂
    Charles Haanel in his book “the master key” says that it is because you need to develop new neurological connections before you can get a new concept. …it took me three attempts before I could read his book, he must be right 🙂 a good read by the way, comes with exercises, some of which I don’t get at all (still growing the connections in my brain I guess)

     Robin E

    Thank you Tetyana. When I run across things like this article, I allow my mind to simply digest what it can and extend it “intuitively” to grasp the larger meaning. because I’m not a physicist, I don’t expect myself to fully grasp the mathematics or details. Maybe I’m missing out as a result, but I still love the conceptual view.

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