I got everything I want in a dream and I was glad it is only a dream


This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 9 years, 2 months ago by Tetyana R.

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  • #8146
     Tetyana R

    So I am currently on level 7-8.. catching up.. after I completed level 1 I started realizing that I already have most important things in my life and that everything I was asking for years ago I received. And I was not stupid, making certain illogical choices in my life, I just followed my heart doing what was “right” to do.
    So I am almost through this program, trying to concentrate on one thing in my life that I dont have and would like to achieve and define it clearly in details – and I have this dream… where I get what I wanted but everything else that I already have is taken from me. I had a dream where I was stuck in jail with my entire family included extended family. We missed an opportunity to escape because we could not find one person that was running behind and the door in the ceiling closed (that was the door we could get out through) and I figured out a way how we could walk out and was getting everybody together to explain them.. and something happened where tonns of people ran through the jail and I was lost and “rescued” by a stranger i did not like, and i had to live with him..and I had all the money in the world and I could do anything and go anywhere I wanted, I had a rock solid feeling of a financial security and power. My family was free and they had everything they need but I was not allowed to contact them or let them know that I am still alive out there.
    The day before I was trying to concentrate how do I start making more money and how do i direct my career choices to achieve that.

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