Welcome to the Project:Yourself tribe!...
Welcome to Level 8 of Project:Yourself, Accomplish! Without blocks and negativity in your way, you can now realize your full projecting potential. It’s here that everything you wish to accomplish is being given to you. You are literally at the cusp of reinventing your new reality!
VIDEO 1: Welcome to Level 8 & Project:Forward
As you experience this beginning meditation, you start to feel and visualize what it is like to tap into divine understanding and truly connect to your higher self. It’s with this knowledge and the powers you will access in this level that you will start to create your new reality.
VIDEO 2: Element Infusion – Connect With Your Spirit Self
Here, meditating on the color violet and the central bindu of the Sri Yantra help you to connect with your spirit self and the creation powers of the Universe.
VIDEO 3: The Power of Level 8: Giver of All Accomplishments
This video will have you focusing on the 8th level of the Sri Yantra. It is at this level—focusing on the inverted central triangle—that you are granted all that you need to accomplish to succeed in creating your new reality.
VIDEO 4: The Seventh Chakra
This chakra allows you to detach from illusion and from what you think is reality. Here you will be tapping into the power of the Seventh Chakra to connect to your complete self and literally become one with the Universe!
VIDEO 5: In Real Life
It’s in this level that you are granted all that you want to accomplish and are given the opportunity to let go of the current reality that is holding you back. Here, you will connect to your higher self and a higher power to create a new, more desirable state of mind, body, spirit or wealth.
VIDEO 6: Your Radio Station for Awareness
Learn how your brain is a broadcasting and receiving station for thought and how you can utilize it to achieve amazing levels of awareness. As you move past being tied to your physical limitations and enter into the realm of the Sixth Sense you will realize an entirely new level of “powers.” Here you will step into the realm of “Divine Powers” and becoming truly superhuman.
VIDEO 7: Believe… and Achieve!
In this video you will learn that everything you want to accomplish and achieve can be obtained through practices, which before now would have seemed only miraculous to you. The KEY is to believe!
VIDEO 8: Mind-Collaborate With Others
Here, you will learn two of Napoleon Hill’s ultimate tools for sourcing the skills or information you need for successfully creating your new reality.
VIDEO 9: Project:Work – Superpower Meditation
Get ready to experience a powerful vairagya meditation that will have you engaging all the bandhas and pushing the energy up your spine and projecting it at every level. Here, you be unleashing your dormant “superpowers” and accessing the accumulated knowledge and energy from past levels to powerfully project your new reality!
PDF. Level 8 Project:Book
AUDIO: Download and listen to these exclusive audio versions of the Level 8 exercises and meditations any time you want to re-visit, re-anchor, or re-work on the fly!
To download the audio, right click on the audio's link and choose "save link as..." Make sure the save location is to the desktop and click save.
Creation & Unity – Guided Meditation (Element Infusion)
Audio 2:
Detach From Illusion – Crown Chakra Guided Meditation
Audio 3:
Project:Work – Superpower Meditation
Audio 4:
Level 8 Guided Meditation with Holosync Technology
Audio 5:
In Real Life—Transform Your Energy, “Trypnaural Theta Inspirations”
Bonus Audio:
BONUS VIDEO 8: Project: Q&A Session Level 8
Parts of video may show black screen due to webcam not recording.
My avatar always looked like me. I seemed to know that she is the enlightened, perfect part of me. I was truly shocked to learn that I was correct.
That’s amazing Jackie!
I am absolutely LOVING this! I am getting clearer and clearer on what it is I truly want, including how I feel and choose to experience this Life. Detachment is empowering!
From the beginning, I have had 2 Avatars….a female and a male. Their shimmering blue eyes and engaging smile were the same. I actually have felt their presence for the past few years as extensions of my Higher Self. So interesting to be confirmed in this level that it is so. During the meditations in this level, I see us creating a triad, with the Bindu in the center, channeling that energy far into the depths of the Universe, while at the same time, grounded into this Earth. Very powerful and liberating, while knowing it is not my ego self creating anything….it truly is the energy of the Universe, or higher power, and it makes me bubble over with joy because it is pure Love! Oh, what a feeling!
Now….off to dig even deeper into the layers of what it is I truly want. I honestly believe it is in the vortex, and being created. Yay! 🙂
I love what u wrote. Especially from your description of your avatars I feel the joy ine their eyes like innocent children have 🙂
And yes it is also about detachment for me. Unexpected I feel my manifestation is pure selflove! Love of the universe ….ommmmm
Oh my that is so very powerful. I heated up so much I thought I was going to explode! I see now how I can create my dreams and this gives me so much hope. Thank you so much for all the training, I plan on, after level 9 is finished to go back and start it all over again. You have provided so much teaching and I am truly grateful.
when does level 9 begin … valerie c
It is released weekly
i have repeated the videos a few times, and find them spiritually uplifting . . . valerie c
So glad!
Hi Amish and Puja. It’s been an exhilarating 8 levels I have experienced so far. So many changes had happened in my life as a result of the learnings I’ve discovered. Thank you very much for coming up with this Project: Yourself course. I never thought I’d benefit so much from the ancient wisdom you’re sharing here. As a matter of fact I asked a friend in Los Angeles to buy me a Sri Yantra pendant and send it by mail to Manila where I live before I enrolled in
your course. Now I’m waiting excitedly for the 9th level. Thank you once again and more power to you.
Renato thank you for being here with us and congratulations on your completion of the levels! Love that you will have a pendant in your home!
Wow! I know this is the way. Thank you for making the steps and sharing your knowledge. I can’t wait to share this with others. Lots of love to you both!!! and your team.
Thank you Barbara!