I would enjoy trying an infared Sauna. I live on Kauai in Hawaii and my “sauna” and “steam room” is in the sunshine at the beach! Then, my “cool down” is a dive in the ocean. I feel very grateful for Mother Nature’s bounty here on this beautiful Garden Isle. I look forward to expanding my consciousness in Nature. Mahalo.
Aloha Pauline, I live on Maui and I love that you’ve mentioned Mother Nature’s role in expanding our consciousness – I definitely believe the more we realize the abundance she provides in whichever form she is closer to us, the more we can align with Nature’s consciousness!
Aloha Kakou…I too am born and raised in Hawaii. I am 75% blood Hawaiian and 25% german I am a native…Maoli.
My ohana has inherited 3 ocean front homes still in our ohana from King Kamehameha, living off the land and having the ocean as my sauna is all I know.
Maika’i to know other people from hawaii is learning this also.
Malama Pono
The 4S makes a lot of sense. I’m now looking inward to find what I can surrender. I’ve done self-improvement, and a lot of study, but surrender is something new, and maybe it’s what’s been missing that keeps me stuck.
I briefly tried the thumbs to the brow pose n I felt like my thoughts were being pulled thru my thumbs. Literally. This stuff is no joke. Im grateful I was led here. Amazing.
As I watch this pre-recorded video of you speaking – I can almost feel the excitement and motivation – the drive you have within you to share this knowledge with the world! Its awesome!! Meditation has been crossing paths with me since I was a little girl and for some reason or another – I have always put it on the side track – and yet that is the one constant thing that keeps coming in front of me.. I suppose it if finally time – I should surrender to this inner calling and just make it a habit for me every day – Maybe that is THE thing which will change my life forever. I sure do hope so!
I like taking hot showers and eating hot food why is this. I’ve changed my diet to a vegan/vegetarian but still do not like taking cold showers, and with my meal I will have a hot drink like tea or hot water. What could be the reason or mental blockage of desiring “hot” and not embracing “cold”?
Tagg, actually you may be more of a dosha, or certain constitution of Ayurveda. Its best to balance these doshas. Here is a breakdown: 1. Vata Dosha — Energy that controls bodily functions associated with motion, including blood circulation, breathing, blinking, and your heartbeat.
In balance: There is creativity and vitality. Out of balance: Can produce fear and anxiety.
2. Pitta Dosha — Energy that controls the body’s metabolic systems, including digestion, absorption, nutrition, and your body’s temperature.
In balance: Leads to contentment and intelligence. Out of balance: Can cause ulcers and anger.
3. Kapha Dosha — Energy that controls growth in the body. It supplies water to all body parts, moisturizes the skin, and maintains the immune system. In balance: Expressed as love and forgiveness. Out of balance: Can lead to insecurity and envy.
This also has to do with taking cold or hot showers and liking hot vs. cold or spicy vs. not depending on what dosha you are!
The Video stops when Amish commences to explain S4. The blue horizontal strip that shows the advancing position of the video shoots to the end and restores the video to start position. Could not drag blue strip to S4 position of video. Repeat plays of video stopped at the same position. Right clicks dont either.Perhaps someone else my have encountered the same. Must be a simple solution. Other wise a good video session. Thanks
Hi, this is very new to me, and I now wonder if my whole self is out of balance due to emotional roller coaster I seem to be on with moments of panic. Can you suggest how I can get back in balance.
Re inferred sauna, it sounds like a microwave oven… Any references to find out more please.
Thank you
Is it just me that feels there’s something missing in these videos? Feels like you’ll go on and talk about something unimportant and barely explain the things that are important. I feel like your ideas and thoughts are all over the place and it’s very hard to follow.
This is ABSOLUTELY stunning. I like it. Now I have a reason to use it…… And have learned a method to PROJECT my thoughts clearly out into manifestation .
Hi Nancy,
That lamp is a Himalayan salt. It releases negative ions to clean the air. It also counter act the electromagnetic effects from any electronic device. It also helps to relax people. We sell them a lot at our store here in Toronto, Canada. They are so popular as a gift and it is also available in USB format for computer.
Your talking about a sauna and steam room don’t help me, so disappointing is this video. I don’t have access to a sauna or steam room, did not find this helpful. Wish you could use something that everyone could relate to.
Thank you for the tools. Thank you for putting this program together, and thank you for caring enough to share with everyone. I particularly loved the “praying hands”.
Early this year I started learning how to focus your mind. It does help understanding what you are saying. I like that is more powerful than law of attraction, as it take a long time to practice. And achieving what we want cannot be accomplish just by law of attraction if the mind is wondering all over. This course is helping me a lot. I want the wealth but I know I need to be more in tune with my goals and my intention.
I was stunned when hearing you mention each of these practices, as I somehow had naturally started doing this stuff years ago without ever having a clue of what I was doing. I had never put it into the context of using it as a tool to project my wealth/desires/manifestations the way you described,-THANX
First 4 videos completed. As a musician and singer, I’m very aware and in sync with you on the vibrational and frequencies aspect, but consider myself a rookie when it comes to understanding the pineal gland, tantras, and yantras.But my mind is open and willing to learn.
Higher & Lower forms of consciousnesses
Absorb the High Consciousness
Yantra (symbols), mantra (hymns) & tantra (i.e. meditation)
Surrender – give up & get into good habits
Self-improvement – like what? Become a better person
Study – education. Educate yourself!
= Success / Satisfaction
Different rhythms.
Get comfortable in the uncomfortable.
Manifested powers get stronger. Detox. “I’m not a doctor.”
Cold showers preserve energy.
Breathing; nose in, mouth out. Rhythmic is key.
Feel your love centre ( heart ) – creates vibrations.
Pineal gland – melatonin -> DMT -> Dreams
Connection to spirit realm.
Recreate the moment, visualize!
What is even more inspiring is how simply and eloquently the knowledge is presented and transmitted. It is obvious that it comes from dedicated study and practice, and putting that in simple requires mastery.
Puja Thank you for a world of Information does make so much sense I love it!! I do have a question about Melatonin I do take this supplement at night does that help to project or would it be harmful as a supplement in doing this program. Thank you Again for all you and your wife do in Service of others Namaste!
Very informative
I would enjoy trying an infared Sauna. I live on Kauai in Hawaii and my “sauna” and “steam room” is in the sunshine at the beach! Then, my “cool down” is a dive in the ocean. I feel very grateful for Mother Nature’s bounty here on this beautiful Garden Isle. I look forward to expanding my consciousness in Nature. Mahalo.
Aloha Pauline, I live on Maui and I love that you’ve mentioned Mother Nature’s role in expanding our consciousness – I definitely believe the more we realize the abundance she provides in whichever form she is closer to us, the more we can align with Nature’s consciousness!
Aloha Kakou…I too am born and raised in Hawaii. I am 75% blood Hawaiian and 25% german I am a native…Maoli.
My ohana has inherited 3 ocean front homes still in our ohana from King Kamehameha, living off the land and having the ocean as my sauna is all I know.
Maika’i to know other people from hawaii is learning this also.
Malama Pono
What if you don’t have a sauna or near one
We do have a dry sauna near by but no cold water.
Irene, it’s completely okay, make do with what you have, we have a dry infrared sauna.
I have to watch this again in a little while, so much information, I did not absorb it all.
Thanks you.
I just love it so far. Thank you!
The 4S makes a lot of sense. I’m now looking inward to find what I can surrender. I’ve done self-improvement, and a lot of study, but surrender is something new, and maybe it’s what’s been missing that keeps me stuck.
I briefly tried the thumbs to the brow pose n I felt like my thoughts were being pulled thru my thumbs. Literally. This stuff is no joke. Im grateful I was led here. Amazing.
Do you explain how to do these hand poses AND count your beads at the same time?
Here is a great way to hold the mala to count: http://www.innershiningtemple.com/uploads/1/4/6/7/14674154/5292273_orig.jpg?145
Tantra practises are explained in nice manner with meanings.Want to know more.
I’d love to know more
thank you, very informative
Great information!
Could you provide references to the studies (especially the ‘prayer hands’) mentioned in the video?
All the best,
Seria possĂvel colocar legenda nos vĂdeos? NĂŁo falo inglĂŞs e isso dificulta muito a captação dos ensinamentos.
Eu sinto muito que vocĂŞ nĂŁo fala InglĂŞs, nĂŁo temos isso em outras lĂnguas, mas esperamos um dia em breve ! Espero que esta tradução foi bom!
As I watch this pre-recorded video of you speaking – I can almost feel the excitement and motivation – the drive you have within you to share this knowledge with the world! Its awesome!! Meditation has been crossing paths with me since I was a little girl and for some reason or another – I have always put it on the side track – and yet that is the one constant thing that keeps coming in front of me.. I suppose it if finally time – I should surrender to this inner calling and just make it a habit for me every day – Maybe that is THE thing which will change my life forever. I sure do hope so!
Ferzana thanks for feeling it shine through!
This maybe a random question buuuuuut.
I like taking hot showers and eating hot food why is this. I’ve changed my diet to a vegan/vegetarian but still do not like taking cold showers, and with my meal I will have a hot drink like tea or hot water. What could be the reason or mental blockage of desiring “hot” and not embracing “cold”?
Tagg, actually you may be more of a dosha, or certain constitution of Ayurveda. Its best to balance these doshas. Here is a breakdown: 1. Vata Dosha — Energy that controls bodily functions associated with motion, including blood circulation, breathing, blinking, and your heartbeat.
In balance: There is creativity and vitality. Out of balance: Can produce fear and anxiety.
2. Pitta Dosha — Energy that controls the body’s metabolic systems, including digestion, absorption, nutrition, and your body’s temperature.
In balance: Leads to contentment and intelligence. Out of balance: Can cause ulcers and anger.
3. Kapha Dosha — Energy that controls growth in the body. It supplies water to all body parts, moisturizes the skin, and maintains the immune system. In balance: Expressed as love and forgiveness. Out of balance: Can lead to insecurity and envy.
This also has to do with taking cold or hot showers and liking hot vs. cold or spicy vs. not depending on what dosha you are!
Powerful indeed……. it all makes perfect sense.
Thanx Amish, Puja & team
Interesting tools that you presented. I will be using them.
AUM Shanti!
Thank You Very Much, for all of the jewels of ancient wisdom shared thus far!
Jason (Khu)
Gratitude for your presence here too!
Some great ideas and you appear so real and honest. Thank you for spending time to develop this programme that others can grow and evolve x
As a PY student from some time back total recall to that which is discussed—renewed!
The Video stops when Amish commences to explain S4. The blue horizontal strip that shows the advancing position of the video shoots to the end and restores the video to start position. Could not drag blue strip to S4 position of video. Repeat plays of video stopped at the same position. Right clicks dont either.Perhaps someone else my have encountered the same. Must be a simple solution. Other wise a good video session. Thanks
Hi, this is very new to me, and I now wonder if my whole self is out of balance due to emotional roller coaster I seem to be on with moments of panic. Can you suggest how I can get back in balance.
Re inferred sauna, it sounds like a microwave oven… Any references to find out more please.
Thank you
Is it just me that feels there’s something missing in these videos? Feels like you’ll go on and talk about something unimportant and barely explain the things that are important. I feel like your ideas and thoughts are all over the place and it’s very hard to follow.
This is ABSOLUTELY stunning. I like it. Now I have a reason to use it…… And have learned a method to PROJECT my thoughts clearly out into manifestation .
What is the lamp on the desk in the video made from? Is it a crystal or salt? What are the benefits of it?
Hi Nancy,
That lamp is a Himalayan salt. It releases negative ions to clean the air. It also counter act the electromagnetic effects from any electronic device. It also helps to relax people. We sell them a lot at our store here in Toronto, Canada. They are so popular as a gift and it is also available in USB format for computer.
Your talking about a sauna and steam room don’t help me, so disappointing is this video. I don’t have access to a sauna or steam room, did not find this helpful. Wish you could use something that everyone could relate to.
I live in the Middle East and I’m so excited for the practice .. I’m going to go to the sauna and practice .. I think it’s an excellent idea ..
Thank you for the tools. Thank you for putting this program together, and thank you for caring enough to share with everyone. I particularly loved the “praying hands”.
Early this year I started learning how to focus your mind. It does help understanding what you are saying. I like that is more powerful than law of attraction, as it take a long time to practice. And achieving what we want cannot be accomplish just by law of attraction if the mind is wondering all over. This course is helping me a lot. I want the wealth but I know I need to be more in tune with my goals and my intention.
Thank you,
Is there something else you can use besides a sauna ?
Yes of course, was just giving that as an example!
Very nice techniques explained- 4s , Thanx Amish. I think i will get a lot from you, thanx again.
Thanks for being here Laxmi!
The Sri Yantra symbol that we need to stare at while we are doing our meditation and speaking the six words, where do we get this? Do you sell them?
We do sell sri yantras- a 24 gold plated one with a 108 bead mala in this kit for $47: https://members.deeporigins.com/checkout-py/?rid=p9qF0J
Very interesting. Especially the information regarding the prayer hands – did not know that before but it makes sense.
I was stunned when hearing you mention each of these practices, as I somehow had naturally started doing this stuff years ago without ever having a clue of what I was doing. I had never put it into the context of using it as a tool to project my wealth/desires/manifestations the way you described,-THANX
First 4 videos completed. As a musician and singer, I’m very aware and in sync with you on the vibrational and frequencies aspect, but consider myself a rookie when it comes to understanding the pineal gland, tantras, and yantras.But my mind is open and willing to learn.
So glad to hear of your openness!
Just completed Video 4 & looking forward to the rest.
Higher & Lower forms of consciousnesses
Absorb the High Consciousness
Yantra (symbols), mantra (hymns) & tantra (i.e. meditation)
Surrender – give up & get into good habits
Self-improvement – like what? Become a better person
Study – education. Educate yourself!
= Success / Satisfaction
Different rhythms.
Get comfortable in the uncomfortable.
Manifested powers get stronger. Detox. “I’m not a doctor.”
Cold showers preserve energy.
Breathing; nose in, mouth out. Rhythmic is key.
Feel your love centre ( heart ) – creates vibrations.
Pineal gland – melatonin -> DMT -> Dreams
Connection to spirit realm.
Recreate the moment, visualize!
YES, this is it!
Thanks a lot for your great work and that you share your wisdom. i am happy that I came here.
Happy you are here too:)
I have to keep refreshing this video and still it never goes beyond a minute…What is your answer to this ?
Please try a different browser and also sign in and out to refresh!
Loved this video. Makes a lot of sense too! Can’t wait to start projecting. 🙂
Amazing tools, indeed!
What is even more inspiring is how simply and eloquently the knowledge is presented and transmitted. It is obvious that it comes from dedicated study and practice, and putting that in simple requires mastery.
Thank you!
GREAT vid, I specifically love the the explanation of Prayer position!
Yes it is awesome.
Puja Thank you for a world of Information does make so much sense I love it!! I do have a question about Melatonin I do take this supplement at night does that help to project or would it be harmful as a supplement in doing this program. Thank you Again for all you and your wife do in Service of others Namaste!
Elizabeth K
Thank you Elizabeth! Namaste
Amazing techniques and well explained!
This is very informative. like the tips on bringing the palms together. Practiced it without understanding. Thanks so much. God bless you.
that was very informative I never thought of it that way thank you